Chapter 10: The King-maker

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Visenya eagerly stood on the balcony of Dragonstone, eyes fixed on the horizon. She waited to see that speck of Black-dread approaching, bringing her beloved son home. She knew she would have to begrudgingly deal with the babbling bitches he called wives but a headache was a small price to pay for her child's return. 

A rare smile broke on her face as she saw movement in the distance. Maegor was coming home. 

The closer he got, she noticed the flap of a dress atop the mighty dragon. Visenya snarled in distaste, wondering which of her son's whores convinced him to allow them a taste of the sky. She never liked Maegor's wives, she always thought her son deserved more. 

She loved Aegon, she truly did, but the lack of daughters for her son to marry left a cold bitterness towards the conqueror. He was always too fixated on politics and dreams to worry about heirs. Well, there was one thing he was more fixated on than even politics. 

After she crowned him king of the seven kingdoms, Morgana disappeared for the final time. Aegon was obsessed with trying to find a pattern in her seemingly random appearances. Morgana Slytherin was an obsession to them all. 

She knew for a fact that each of them had tried bedding a whore with black hair and ivory skin, but none of them could find reprieve for their longing. 

Now Aegon was gone, so was Rhaenys, only Visenya was left and she had no idea if Morgana would ever come back. She almost hoped the witch never returned. She didn't want Morgana to see her as the old woman she had become. 

She made her way down the many steps of Dragonstone, her knees aching in protest as she forced her failing limbs into submission. She wasn't terribly old yet, but years of battle had worn at her joints, and carrying the weight of her husband's stupidity had left an ache in her back.

The guards stood at attention as she entered the front courtyard. She waited to see her son and good-daughter. 

She stiffened, the air felt strange. Her violet eyes sharpened as the dull hum of her soul reawakened. 

She knew.

Before she even saw them she knew. 

Up the stone stairs when came, wrapped in dark emerald-like armor. Her onyx hair glid through the wind like shadows and she gripped onto Maegor's arm trying to keep up with his long stride. 

"Mother!" Maegor called out smiling as he saw Visenya at the top of the stairs. But Visenya did not reply, too transfixed on the woman in green. 

Morgana looked up, no longer focused on counting the stone steps. Her eyes met the familiar purple that she had seen in so many faces now. "Visenya!" She gasped. 


Maegor watched in fascination. A sense of deja vu took over as Mogana raced towards Visenya, just as she had in her reunion with Balerion. Visenya's forehead rested on Morgana's tears dripped down her face as she held the young witch. 

Maegor felt the raging possessiveness take over as he coughed to gain their attention. Visenya painfully tore her eyes off Morgana, recognizing the familiar fire in her son. It was only then that the pieces fell into place in the old queen's head. 

Morgana was bound to Maegor now. 

While their bond was still there, it was like a faded ember rather than the blazing fire she had felt before. The memories held the love and lust but at present, the possessiveness was gone. It was as if the bond knew Morgana was no longer hers. 

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