Chapter 23: The Three Heads of the Dragon

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Morgana awkwardly patted Aegon's back as he threw up everything in his stomach. She had forgotten for a moment that muggles didn't really fare well with bending space and time. 

She caught the crown as it slipped off his head holding it for him until he found his footing once more. 

"That is fucking awful. You do that all the time?" Aegon moaned, spitting out the remnants of the bile from his mouth. "It's really not so bad anymore. I used to feel sick too, but as long as you don't splinch or die it's fine." 

"What is splinch?"

"You forget part of your body somewhere else. It's not very pleasant." 

"I would suspect not." Aegon laughed to himself, standing and allowing Morgana to place the crown back on his head, "Do I have to wear this all the time?" 

"I made it. What do you not like it?" Morgana asked. 

"I just feel pretentious walking around with a crown on, is all," Aegon admitted, accepting her handkerchief to wipe his mouth. 

"I think you look very handsome in it." 

"Well, then I suppose it stays on." Aegon unintentionally flirted. He had her hand in his as they followed the cobbled path toward the great Dragon Manor. 

Aegon could feel Morgana's magic flowing through the walls of the keep, the bond between them humming in delight at being surrounded by her power. 

The wards recognized her and the dragon blood with her allowing her entrance. 

A maid in the courtyard looked at her in panic, "Who are you? No outsiders may enter here!" 

"I am no outsider. Go to Viserys. Tell him that Lady Morgana Slytherin has returned." Morgana ordered the maid still looked confused but nodded and ran into the keep. 

Morgana and Aegon decided to wait in the garden. The doors slammed open and out ran Viserys Targaryen, a man fully grown now and just as beautiful as his ancestors before him. His features actually looked remarkably similar to Aegon's if you ignored the coloration. 

"Morgana." Viserys gasped, looking at the witch before him. She hadn't aged a day in all these years. She was exactly how she looked in his dreams, the memories of his salvation playing again and again every night. 

"My prince... It has been a long time... You've grown well." Morgana nodded smiling slightly as Viserys grinned. 

His grin faded as he looked to the left of Morgana seeing a man wearing the conqueror's crown. In one hand he held the Targaryen ancestral sword and in the other, he held tightly onto Morgana, the Dragon witch. 

"Viserys... Meet your nephew, Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and his second wife Lyanna Stark... The rightful heir to the iron throne." Morgana spoke and it felt like all fell silent around him. 

He was angry, of course he was. 

But at the same time, he felt unburdened. For so long he had carried the weight of his family's vengeance. He alone had carried the burden of trying to get his home back. Now it was not his responsibility at all. 

Morgana had once again brought with her, their salvation. 

"Aegon, meet your uncle, Prince Viserys Targaryen, second-born son of King Aerys Targaryen. He is your current heir." Morgana said to Aegon, ensuring he understood the ramifications of their relationship. 

"Viserys? We have guests?" A voice called from behind them. 

Morgana and Aegon turned to see a beautiful Valyrian girl, with silvery white hair and shining violet eyes. Her soft features reminded Morgana of the Queen Rhaenys, the kind woman she was once to marry. 

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