To Love a Mad King

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"Aerys has been going mad looking for you," The deep voice of a young Tywin Lannister echoed in her ears as Morgana stared out over the fog-filled fields surrounding Dragon Stone. She could hear the waves crashing in the distance. 

She could hear the phantom cooing of her old dragon friends that no longer flew about the ancient keep. 

She felt her own wards drumming around her, like her own heartbeat. The world grew quiet and she felt so much older than she was. Time was always difficult to map out when jumping about. But if her math was correct, it had been seven months since her journey through time began... Meaning that if time were moving correctly, today would be her birthday. 

She did feel much older as if the suffering she had endured and caused aged her soul more than any time passage could. The passage of time felt like a burden more than an inescapable fact. 

"Morgana? Are you alright?" Tywin asked once more, the golden-haired young man reached to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"Yes... My apologies, Lord Lannister. I seem to be lost in my own thoughts." Morgana spoke softly, more to herself than Tywin. 

"Where is Aerys?" She asked, pulling herself back into reality. 

"Down by the beach. No doubt counting the seconds until you are returned to him. I do worry at times that he is becoming... too attached. You've only been here for two months and well... You will be leaving soon." Aerys had told his dearest friend about the curse during one of his rampages. 

Tywin did grow more worried as time passed with Aerys' mental state. He was obsessive about Morgana, addicted to her presence. He would get overwhelmingly jealous of any who looked at or spoke to her.  

"I trust that you will remain by his side after I am gone. They all must understand the fleeting nature of our relationship. Even Aerys... I shall go to him, so he doesn't pout." Morgana teased back, growing more comfortable with the friendship between herself and the Lion Lord. 

With a pop she had disappeared before his eyes, no doubt already going to find his prince. 

She appeared on the shore, Aerys was walking with purpose in the opposite direction, no doubt looking for her. 

She called out to him and immediately his annoyed sneer blossomed into unfiltered joy as he saw his lady love. "Morgana!" He smiled, racing back towards her and lifting her into his arms. 

Morgana released a startled squeal as she felt her feet leave the ground, only for it to be muffled by two chapped lips suppressing hers. 

The magic in her veins writhed in delight as her bonded kissed her. Basking in the glow of young love. He slowly lowered her onto the sand, positioning himself between her legs as he kissed her. His hands wandered from her hips up to her waist, pulling her ever closer. 

She pulled back and began kissing slowly along his jaw, down the pulsating vein along his throat. She smiled as he moaned her name in contentment. 

"My lovely prince. My dearest lovely prince, all mine for a time." He shuttered with ecstasy as he felt her parseltongue hiss along his neck sending a wave of pleasure through him.

He pressed his weight into her hips pushing her up so that their faces met once more in a ravenous kiss. 

His hands drifted upwards, thumbs caressing the under-mound of her breasts. His blood heated as she pushed further into his touch, allowing him to feel ever inch of her against him. He felt the sand that clung to her bare arms and in her hair. 

The plunging neckline of her dress allowed him to push the fabric from her shoulders exposing her breasts to the cold coastal air. She whispered a quiet spell and their clothes disappeared completely leaving them both unprotected from the wind. 

Aerys devoured the sight of her, hunger raging in his heart as she gripped his shoulders, silver eyes cutting through him like a fucking knife. 

His wandering hands left her breasts and traveled back down to her thighs and he moved her into position. She gasped as he entered her without warning, seething himself inside of her. The heat of her core warmed his entire being making the chilled breeze from the ocean a distant memory. 

"I should breed you. I should put my heir inside of you. I should tether you to me with a child in your womb before the gods and mother magic or whatever deity was merciful enough to gift you to me. Our son would rule the world, he would sit the Iron throne like a god." Aerys grew more turned on by his own words. The thought of Morgana swelling with his child was enough to bring him to the edge. A madness took over his mind as he thrust into her, a wildness fueled by the need to impregnate her. 

It wouldn't happen, Morgana had already placed a contraceptive charm to prevent pregnancy. But he didn't know that as he came inside of her, offering a prayer to the fourteen flames that his seed would strike true. 

He collapses on top of her, feeling her come down from her own high. He remained inside of her even after he had gone limp, holding her close and basking in her warmth. 

When he finally pulled out he lifted her hips to the sky, earning a confused look from Morgana, "Don't want our son falling out. My seed should remain within you... I will be inside of you always. And then when he is born I shall put inside of you another and another and our dragon stone will overflow with symbols of our love." 

"Children are not symbols, Aerys." 

"They will be perfect. Your eyes, my hair. Our silver princes. Maybe even a daughter, as beautiful as her mother." He kissed her once more, falling into his own fantasy. 

She placed a soft hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly. "Don't torture yourself with such a wish, my love... I will not stay much longer, the markings have already begun to fade to black. I too shall fade soon. I can never stay Aerys, you know that. Besides, you are to marry Rhaella once I am gone." A hand reached up, gently caressing his face. 

"You won't leave me... I won't let you leave me, Morgana. I love you. You are my world, my everything. You can not abandon me. I will kill her, I will rid myself of her if only you would stay...." His eyes were wide and glassy, looking slightly mad as he stared at her naked form beneath him, still holding her hips.

He reminded her for a moment of Bellatrix Lestrange, crazed with loyalty and love to a master so undeserving.  

This Aerys had flirted with her at first, but he didn't become truly obsessed until after the bond was solidified the first time they had sex. 

It was like something snapped within him. Gone was the playful flirty boy who teased his friends and her. Gone was the boy who brought her flowers and embarrassed himself by drunkenly serenading her at a feast, standing on the tabletop as he sang about his love for her. 

The Aerys she and Tywin knew was fading before their eyes. His obsession with her was only growing, only becoming more intense with every touch or glance or a kind word. He grew more desperate each time they made love, drowning in his own fantasies. 

That all-consuming love, drowning in that magical bond, had driven Aerys mad. 

And oh what a tragedy it would be when she left.

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