Why am I?

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Gaster was the first to speak up. "That answer seems exceedingly simple. It is time to go home. What do you think, Avery?" The hybrid gave a nod. "Yes... if you will have me, I would be happy to return home..." Gaster smiled happily. "There is nothing better than to have your family whole again! You, Sans, Papyrus..." Avery smiled as well before she tugged up her hood. "Perfect... I should get back to my boat soon, tra la la, I can not simply stop in my job." Sans rubbed his skull. "the riverperson is well known as a ferryperson these days..." The now hooded Avery nodded. "i have one more question before you go, avery." They had started towards the door but had stopped to listen. "your connection. is it limited to distance? is it like if he gets hurt, then you get hurt, too? is it that kind of deal?" Avery chuckled. "If it wounds the soul, then it wounds I. If planes of existence couldn't destroy us, nor can the physical." She replied before she disappeared from view. Avery was starting to do that, no make sense thing again. Then again, none of today made any sense to Sans.


Whatever they had done, while they were in that room, it had helped. Gaster was up and moving, eagerly ready to go home and see his youngest child again. Of course, as soon as he stepped out of the lab, he suggested they take Avery's boat. Sans knew he was probably never going to escape her now, and maybe that was a good thing. Sans led his old man to where Avery quietly waited. "Tra la la, would you like to ride my boat?" She asked, though Sans noted that he could no longer tell by her voice that she was female. Maybe the cloak had magical properties? The two got in and Avery pushed off the dock, letting magic bring her dear boat/dog to life as they headed for Snowdin. The ride never took long, and she and Gaster spoke the entire ride while Sans observed. "See you tonight, tra la." They bid the skeletons fairwell. Sans took Gaster home, asking questions about her. Most about his and Papyrus' relationship with her since he couldn't remember that. Gaster was happy to reminisce on the old times before they ran into Papyrus.


"I HAVE A DAD?! YOU ARE MY DAD?!" Gaster nodded simply. "Yes, I am your father, Papyrus." Sans chuckled and Gaster wheezed as he was picked up and twirled happily in place. "that's not all paps. tonight you're gonna be meeting the riverperson in person. they are coming over." Sans figured he'd warn Papyrus before he had an Alphys reaction. Papyrus dropped poor Gaster to the ground, his eyes bulging in a comedic manner. "WHAT?!?!??" Papyrus didn't even know they could leave there boat! "I-I Need To Process This..." Sans knew that feeling. He seriously needed a nap. "I... do not understand this reaction..." Gaster muttered as he dusted himself off. "well... avery is a complete mystery to everyone. they had never left their boat and they tend to come off as very unnerving to others." Sans replied. "it's not that everyone is scared of her, it's just unexpected an new for them to be anywhere else but their boat. it throws me off too." Gaster nodded slowly. "Ah... they don't see her as a living being..." Sans shrugged. "i... guess..." Gaster frowned solemnly. "How very lonely she must feel..." Sans blinked. "yeah... i suppose she probably is..."

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