Making a Friend?

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Papyrus wanted to introduce Avery to Undyne today. For obvious reasons, she was quite reluctant to go. "Brother, are you sure? I mean, I am... I am sorta human? She might want to... capture me." Avery was careful about the whole soul stealing thing. She thought that was something Gaster had to talk to him about. "NONSENSE, SISTER! AS LONG AS YOUR CLOAK IS ON, EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!" Papyrus replied as he went to get said item of clothing. She looked over to Sans, who seemed to be asleep and sighed. "You really want me to meet your friends, huh?" Papyrus nodded eagerly as he passed her the cloak. "You Haven't Really Made Friends Yet, So I Thought Maybe I Would Help!" Avery blinked as she took it. She hadn't really been looking to make friends. She'd been busy with Sans... "Alright, alright, Papy... I'll go, but put it on record that I'm skeptical. I don't want to put a divide between you and the Captain." She slipped it on as Papyrus guided her to the door. "Undyne Is Ok With The Little Human, She Will Be Ok!" Ah, so Frisk was in Hotland then.


They took Avery's boat since it was Papyrus idea to see Undyne. She was currently staying at the lab since Frisk had somehow burnt her place to the ground (she could only assume it was cooking shenanigans). Knowing that made her feel better since Gaster was also there... along with Alphys, of course. The lizard monster hadn't really seen her since Gaster had been freed from the Void. Papyrus was the first off the boat and the first into the lab, allowing for her to trail behind him. "HELLO FATHER, DR. ALPHYS, AND UNDYNE! I AM HERE TO TRAIN, AND INTRODUCE YOU TO MY SISTER!!!" Undyne tilted her head in confusion. "Since when do you have a sister, punk?" Gaster poured himself some coffee as he replied. "Since always. Avery has just been... shall we say busy?" He looked to Avery as she closed the lab doors behind her. "Tra la la, remember to take a break every-so-often... especially from that coffee." Gaster frowned, holding the cup away from her. "It's only my tenth cup-" Papyrus and Avery both sweat dropped at that. Undyne looked utterly stupefied while Alphys tried to hide behind her.


"THE RIVERPERSON IS YOUR SISTER?!" Undyne exploded after a solid thirty seconds. "YES!" Papyrus replied with just as much enthusiasm. "WE MET HER RECENTLY! JUST AFTER FATHER RETURNED, ACTUALLY!" Avery went over (reluctantly) to shake Undyne's hand. "I'm adopted, but Papyrus insisted we meet. I'm Avery." Undyne smiled a fanged smile and took it. "Undyne, nice to meet you! Always thought you were one big mystery, so knowing there's a monster under there is kind of a relief." Avery didn't correct, but she did shrug. "Yes, I suppose it is nice knowing there is something with a soul under this cloak." Undyne nodded her agreement and went to check that Alphys was ok. Avery must have really left an impact that first meeting... she felt bad. "I'm sorry, Alphys, I didn't mean to startle you..." Alphys gave a shaky little smile, and Gaster caught her attention. "Would you mind coming with me for a moment? We haven't actually ran any checks on your soul since before my fall... and I would like to see that you are actually doing ok..." Avery glanced back to see Undyne and Papyrus wrestling, Alphys cheering the captain on. "Yeah... let's make this quick, though." Avery gave the go-ahead.

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