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"Hey, Onyx

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"Hey, Onyx. I know we aint talk in a minute, but you know I never meant for shit to go down like that. I put you in sticky situation dat you ain't deserve to be in and that's on me, baby. You prolly think I'm messing with this girl and that girl, but nahhh, I ain't even on dat. I see you on da gram, you doing yo shit. I'm proud. Hit me back when you in the Ye." I listened to Akari's voice message

I met Akari when I was fifteen, at school. We started messing around when we were sixteen, I was actually oblivious that he wanted me until his friend told me. I obviously played hard to get. When he did get me though, he took my virginity. He admits, I'm his best body. I really don't fuck around in that bed

That's besides the point, we broke up after seven months of dating, three months after he took my V-card. We would talk as friends in the hallways sometimes, but for the most part we didn't text or call until my nineteenth birthday

He basically happy birthday-ed his way back into my life and then we were talking. I stopped talking to him shortly after because a girl had popped up on us when we were about to have sex. It was embarrassing even though we wasn't back together

The girl didn't know we was about to fuck, thankfully. She did do the most though and we was about to fight, but Akari deescalated that quickly

I pressed the audio button. "Hey, Akari. You really did put me in a sticky situation, but it's been a long time and I'm off of it. Also, thank you. That means a lot. I'm back in Miami now, what's up?" I spoke into the phone


Pick up

My phone began to ring and I answered it knowing who it was

"Hey." I spoke in a shy tone as I put some stuff in my drawers. I wasn't nervous or shy at all though

"Hey, Oni. What you on?" He asked

"Nothing, I just came from Cancun." I sighed because I was sorta tired

I just got back from trip to Cancun, I came in the house and immediately took a shower and got dressed in the most comfortable clothes

"You sound tired." He chuckled

"I am." I stressed, plopping down on my bed

"Who you went with?" He asked

"Hali?" He added

"No, just me, myself, and I." I joked, looking at my nails that I had got done before my trip

"Miss. Independent type shit. I'm tryna see you." He licked his lips, looking at me

"You gon be tryna see me for a minuteeee." I dragged, making a yikes face

It wasn't like I just blatantly didn't want to see him, but I didn't trust that and definitely didn't want history to repeat itself

"Why?" He shook his head

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