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"Baby, calm down

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"Baby, calm down. You just came in here crying and I don't know why, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." My mom said as I laid face first on her carpet floors in straight tears

"MOMMY, I don't need help... this nigga needs an exorcism." I continued to ugly cry

"Onyx, what? What are you babbling about like actually?"

She stood up and lifted my head up, then I wiped my eyes, looking at her. "Tell yo' mother what's wrong, you playing around."

"Maceon is the most evilest thing known to man since the devil."

"I find that hard to believe." She crossed her arms, ruffling her eyebrows

"Both of yall need an exorcism, are you on his side now!?" I almost yelled

"Girl, who you raising your voice at? Maceon is like a son to me, but you're my daughter and I'm picking no side without a backstory."

I sighed and sat up, crossing my legs together. "Maceon wanted me to be his girlfriend and his Valentine, but come to find out he had a girlfriend and another Valentine." I said,
making her raised her eyebrows in disapproval

"See, he's not shit. Mommy, why did he have to nut in me." I huffed

"No, we're not going to get into that because I'm still upset that you two lied to me for all those months." She crossed her arms and I laughed

"So anyways we've been through the ups and the downs, I've been messing with other people of course, but he's been really really messing around."

"Baby, how did this all happen? Y'all have been good coparenting these months." She said all confused

"Yeah we have, but it's been really like there's still tension and stuff between us. Not a lot of tension, but before it was awkward at drop-off and pickups... or we talk like coworkers over text." I sighed

"What made the change?"

"He left Summer's nebulizer at his house at drop off by accident and I called him for it and he called me bae, but was playing and then he came to my house to bring it and I realized I wanted him to stay and I missed him, but I let it go until he asked me to be his Valentine." I explained

"That's it right there, he shouldn't have asked you to be his Valentine if he had another girl on stand-by." She shook her head in disagreement

"That's what I'm saying!"

"And he gets mad at me for "supposedly" having sex with people, but he's been having sex with multiple people and they're sending him nudes. That's so nasty right, mama?" I frowned, doing air quotes

She side-eyed. "That is just so disgusting!" She said, but she didn't sound convincing

"Ew, mama." I made a disgusted look and started to get up to leave, but she grabbed my arm

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