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The couple roamed their new home. It had been seven weeks and they had finally got settled into their new home, furniture, decoration, etc
Onyx was super happy with how everything was looking. She also liked that she didn't have to pay any bills, but also knew she would have it if worse came to worse and she had to find new housing by herself
"I fuck wit' it." Maceon admitted. Their home was decorated with black, grey, white, brown, and cream since they wanted a more neutral
"I'm most excited for setting up the nursery like ughhh." She smiled, just thinking about all the things she had ahead of her in the pregnancy
Although it was an accidental pregnancy, she actually was excited for having a baby. She did want to be married first of course, but they slipped up and there wasn't anything they could do
"Me too." He co-signed, looking out at the pool
The pool was a good size, they just needed to buy furniture for the back porch
"When you wanna go look for furniture for the back porch? Or you go'n look online?" He asked, looking down at her and pulling her into his arms
"I forgottt... we could just look online. I'm tired." She huffed. She wasn't sleepy, just a somewhat flushed from their hectic week
"Then let's lay down." He suggested and they walked to their room that was decorated just how they both liked
The two laid in their King size bed, Onyx laid at the top, towards the headboard and Maceon laid farther down
He brought her shirt up to look at her small baby bump. It wasn't that big for sure, but he noticed any change in his girlfriend, so it appeared bigger to him
She looked down to see what he was doing, then grabbed her phone. "Baby, what you doing?" She asked
"Seein' what my baby doing." He replied with his hands on her belly
"You're gonna be such a good dad." She commented. She believed this because he always was trying to make sure her and the baby were okay, always attentive at appointments, and on top of that the way he treated his little sister
"Yeah." He looked up at her and back at her small baby bump
"It ain' even a baby bump for real yet, you look bloated." He chuckled and turned on his back, laying beside her
"We gettin' there." She laughed as well, scrolling and tapping on Twitter
He sat up against the bed frame and rested his arm on top of her head just to piss her off. "I'm not no damn arm rest." She said in an annoyed tone before moving from under his arm
"You love me?" He laid his head on her chest
"No." She joked, but in a serious tone and pushed him off her