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Maceon stepped out of the shower, drying off his body with his white towel and then wrapped it around his waist

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Maceon stepped out of the shower, drying off his body with his white towel and then wrapped it around his waist

He brushed his teeth and while washing his face, then Bj called which he declined since he wasn't feeling it

He made it into his bed and sighed, he just wanted to be with his lady

The lady in question was not one of the ladies he did have, but the one who acted like she didn't want to be with him

Maceon was not about to keep holding it in, so he did what he did often and went to the studio, Gleesh's studio to be exact. Gleesh had got a real studio outside of the one in his house

Gleesh was there of course, so he just went up while looking at Indira's story, seeing she was having fun

They hadn't seen each other in two weeks since he had been busy and she was on a girls trip

He seen she was drinking, twerking on guys and flirting with them, on rafts, jet skis, in clubs, smoking hookah, etc.

Two days after he finished inside of her she went on her trip to Houston

Maceon might've been dumb but he wasn't stupid, he went with her to buy the Plan B and watched her take it

He really wasn't foreign to girls trying to trap him and he wasn't about to fall victim again

"Wassup, gang. Niggas declining calls just to show up at my studio." Gleesh dapped him and he shook his head

"Ima tryna record sum shit." He said and took his phone out his pocket

"This made me think about how you made a whole song about Oni." Gleesh said, laughing

"Fuck you and ha."

Maceon stepped into the booth, going through his notes to find the song he wanted to rap

"Play beats fa me." He requested

Gleesh played all the beats he had for Maceon to find the beat of his choice

He played the perfect beat, a low type beat with consonant drops every now and then

"Ard, dat one."

Maceon got in his zone, putting on his headset and waited for the beat to drop

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I heard you say you looking for love (oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
That shit hard to find (oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)

I see you like to stress yourself out, nigga, all the time, nigga (mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm)
Like, you can't live alone, like, you got to be a pair

To get through life when you can't, man, it's all alone (Dre, tell 'em)

"I don't know, I don't know. You're my healer" He basically sung in the mic

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