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"Gimme kiss, mama." Maceon spoke

Summer didn't hesitate to kiss him on the lips, touching the sides of his face with her little hands

I stood there, watching the interaction before looking away. Maceon handed off her bags and I took them

"Come on, baby." I picked her up, putting her on my hip about to go inside

"You straight?" He asked me as she played in my hair that was freshly done in a thirty-two inch, middle part, blonde buss down

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered, nodding my head and adjusting her on my hip

I couldn't lie and say he didn't look good. Fresh cut, two strand twists that were in a high ponytail, and his tattoos were showing from the white tee he wore with grey Nike shorts and white AF1

"Tell Dady bye." I told Summer

"Byeeeeeee." She exaggerated, waving at him

He cracked a smile. "Bye, I love you." He kissed her cheek and she kissed his back

I walked into my three bedroom, three bathroom house and locked the door.

Me and Summer went to my bedroom once I put her bags up in her room. "You had a good time with Daddy?"

Some weeks I had her for three days or for four days. This week she was with him for four days

Me and Maceon had broke up months ago. I can't pinpoint the reason, but it was a lot of miscommunication, arguing, disrespect, and saying things we didn't mean.

That pushed us to break up, it hurt me so much, but I can't say the same for him. He acted like he didn't care and I let him. I don't even know where our relationship went wrong, after my PPD it just was like a rollercoaster

The craziest part was we were even planning our wedding while this was happening, but everything happens for a reason and I had to let him go

"I don't see how you can care me about me, but disregard everything that I tell you about everyday." I fussed at Maceon

"Fuck is you saying, I'm not disregarding shit. I'm just tired of going back and forth with you." He said, grabbing the controller to his game

"I don't care, you should stop doing shit then." I mugged him, putting on my shirt

"You acting like I just be doing da shit, I be having shit to say to you too. I'm just tired of dat arguing shit in general." He sucked his teeth

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