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"Okay sooo

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"Okay sooo... I had posted a questionnaire like a couple days ago asking what y'all wanted to see on my channel right, and hella of y'all said a cheating prank." I spoke lowly, holding my camera that my man bought me

"Y'all lowkey want me to get in trouble, but my man don't beat my ass so it's all good. Anyways, by the title this is a cheating prank." I said, putting it down

"Emphasis on prank." I pointed with my eyebrows raised

"We supposed to be going out to the mall and then a picnic or whatever so Ima act like I'm getting ready and putting stuff in my purse and then boom the condom gon fall out my purse or something of that nature." I said, showing the condom I got from Kobi and put it in my purse

"And he gon be looking like Rylo because like why you got a condom and yeah, lemme hide this." I said before hiding the camera in the bathroom

"But he also don't get mad at nothing so this might be a fail." I whispered

"Bae, come hold this!" I yelled for him

He popped up in a minute and I had him hold my hair while I straightened my last piece

"You fine as hell." He told me as I combed through

"Thank you, bae." I smiled and kissed my cheek

"Yeah, when you doing my retwist though?" He asked, putting his arms around my waist

"Auntie be tied." I laughed

"Yeah, aight." He backed up from my figure and started to spray some cologne

"Can you get my lipgloss out my purse?" I asked him, finding a different route of the prank

"If I can find the shit." He said, then picked up my white Gucci purse off the counter

He unzipped it and I side-eyed him. He opened it and made a confused face

"It's the Dior lip oil." I said, making a yikes face at the camera

"Onyx, bruh."

"Whattt? Gimme the lipgloss." I said, turning to look at him. He stood there with a condom in his hand

"I'm really not finna play wit' you, who this fa?" He held it up with his two fingers

"How that get there?" I looked so confused

"It got dea from you fucking anotha nigga and then you so fucking hot and ready that you gotta have yo' own damn condom."

"So now Ima hoe? I obviously don't know how that got there." I mugged him

"It's yo' purse that you been in and out of, but now you don't know how it got there? Aight, I ain't dumb." He pulled up his pants

"And I ain't call you a hoe, I said you hot and ready." He added before walking away

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