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ShitYou really got a face on you

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You really got a face on you

ikr ?

Wya ? I'm On my way!

you excited ainna

Typo ,chill on me

i'm home

Finna come get you

I liked his message and walked out of my bathroom. I changed into a burgundy color Ed Hardy set and put on perfume

After putting on Aquaphor, I waited on him with my AirPods in, watching mini vlogs on TikTok


Outside yo doe

Like flash, I got out my bed then slipped on my Tory Burch slides. I brung my phone and lipgloss then walked to open the door for him

He had flowers in his hand and I smiled, taking them and taking in his outfit. He had on a green Valabasas hoodie, black jeans, and white Air Force 1's

"Come on." He looked down at me

"Lemme put my flowers downnn." I dragged, they were red roses

"Ight." He stepped in behind me as I walked to my island to put the flowers down

Harlo hit the corner at full speed to see who was in his house and started barking loud ass hell. "Get yo ugly ass on." Mace smacked his teeth at him

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Harlo before he could launch towards him

Before we left, I gave him a treat and rubbed his belly. "I'm hungry and I'm sleepy." Mace yawned as we walked out my lobby

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