2 → Raven

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Chapter two

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Chapter two


Rachel woke up that morning, she found a note on Hope's bedside table.

Come to the headmaster's office when you're up :)
Feel free to shower :) 

- Josie, Hope and Lizzie

Then Rachel noticed her original clothes and a tooth brush next to the note. The clothes were not damaged what so ever. The purple haired girl beamed then went to shower and brush her teeth in Hope's bathroom and turned on the water, soon after she stripped her clothes and noticed something on her right shoulder. 

a Raven 

Why on earth was there a Raven on her shoulder?

Is her real name a Raven?

Is it a brith mark?

Is it a tattoo?


So many questions was running through Rachel's head. She finished her shower and quickly changes into the clothes. A black turtle neck and black jeans.

Damn. she sure loves black.

In 30 minutes she made her way too Headmaster Caroline's office.


Rachel walked into the office and saw an older man standing at the side, she stepped inside further and noticed Hope, Josie, Lizzie and Caroline sitting down on a coach.

"Rachel!, you look much better" Lizzie yelped as soon as she entered the room.

"Thank you" Rachel answered looking around the room.

"Sit down, are you hungry?" Caroline asked a smile on her face.

"thank you, and yes" Rachel smiled back sitting next to Hope and Josie. Caroline handed her a grilled cheese sandwich, which Rachel gratefully accepted and chowed down.

"So Rachel, I think we should talk about you" Caroline said the smile on her face slowly disappearing.

"She's talking about the darkness luring on you" The guy in the corner said coming closer.

"Excuse me?" Rachel asked putting her grilled cheese down, eyebrows furrowed.

"you heard me, there's this huge darkness looming over you, waiting to suck us all up" The mystery man said coming even closer.

"Alaric" Caroline warned, her voice becoming dangerous.

"what?, I know you all feel it" The guy named Alaric said sitting on a chair in the corner. Hope, Josie and Lizzie all put their heads down as they sat in silence for a while.

"I found something in my pocket yesterday" Rachel said breaking the silence. She pulled the note out and handed it to Josie.

"Raven Azarath?" Josie asked as she handed the note to Hope. Rachel shrugged in response, she didn't know what it meant.

"Hey I read that in one of my aunt Freya's books once" Hope blurted out, "i'll see if she can get deliver it over here" 

"I also have a Raven brith mark on my right shoulder" Rachel added on.

"so you're like a Raven? cool" Lizzie said earning a laugh from Josie.

"is this your handwriting?" Caroline asked when the note came to her.

"i have no idea" Rachel answered as she slumped her shoulders.

"here write the same thing on this" Hope said sliding her a piece of paper.
Rachel did as she was asked, she wrote Raven Azarath on the paper.
When she finished she compared the two, 


exactly the same.

"So you did write it" Josie said leaning her head back on the sofa.

"Maybe you wrote it before you lost your memory" Hope said playing with her hair.

"Maybe" Caroline said looking at the two pieces of paper.

"tell her the real reason we called her here" Mystery Alaric man told the other girls.

"tell me what?" Rachel asked her eyebrow raised.

Hope took a deep breath "so, you know how the darkness is looming over you, We-no Mr Saltzman suggested that one of the twins siphon a little bit of magic out of you and put's it into a jar for 'magic testing', this is all your choice" Hope explained.

Rachel did not want to even ask what 'siphon' meant.

"sure" Rachel said breaking all the looks around her. She heard a little 'yes' from Alaric in the corner.

"so how do we do it?, and which twin?" Rachel asked.

"i'll do it" Josie offered earning a look from Hope.

"it's fine Hope, only a little bit of dark Magic i'll live" Josie answered sitting on the table in front of Rachel. Josie and Rachel both sat cross legged.

"okay hold out your hands" Josie smiled as Rachel did what she was told.

"Good, now you might feel a slight tingly sensation" Josie warned, Rachel nodded.

Josie joined their hands, the brunette's hands turned red as she was taking the power from Rachel. Soon after she started siphoning, Josie's eyes became pitch black and the red gem from Rachel's forehead began to glow. Rachel's eyes began to glow red.

Josie slowly disconnected their hands as a big ball of purple magic appeared into a jar.

"woah, you're magic re-regeneration is quick" Josie stuttered as she slowly got up.

"i'll take her to her room" Hope said as she helped Josie to the twins' room.

"Rachel you can sleep in my room again!" Hope called out.

"Thank you Rachel, we'll call you tomorrow with some answers" Caroline smiled as Rachel left the little office.

Rachel made it to Hope's room a collapsed on her bed, but the weird thing was she wasn't a bit tried.

soon slowly after changing into the pyjamas, she fell a sleep as he dreams wandered into her memories trying to remember something. 


Lmk if you enjoyed it ;)

also i'm so triedddddd

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