10 → Hide and Seek

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Chapter ten

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Chapter ten

Hide and Seek

"And I know where the fuck she's hiding the titans'" 

"how the fuck would you know that?" Lizzie asked an eyebrow raised. 

"It's as if, she hid all of the memory of me kidnapping the Titans'" Rachel gulped "I- We need to go and get them" 

Dawn nodded as Donna and she started to get up, "wait, Donna and Dawn, stay here. I'll take Liz, Josie and Hope" Rachel said closing her eyes. 

Rachel opened one eye looking up at Dawn and Donna. Dawn had a warm smile on her face and Donna raised an eyebrow, she glanced at the supernatural girls who were smiling at her.

"Fine, but you have to tell us when you get the Titans'" Donna finally agreed to let Rachel go with the supernaturals to retrieve the Titans'. 

"We'll leave tomorrow morning" Rachel exclaimed.


That night Rachel couldn't sleep.

What if she takes the memory of Rachel kidnapping the Titans' again?

But it did feel good sleeping in her old bed again.


Rachel and Lizzie were in the back of Donna's black jeep, with Josie and Hope in the front. Hope driving and Jo in the passenger seat.

"Where to Roth?"  Hope asked from the front seat, one hand interlocked with Josie's.

"The abandoned hospital on 5th street" Rachel answered as the car started moving. Rachel sighed, glancing at Lizzie who had AirPods in her ears. Rachel glanced at the front of the car, at Hope who was driving with one hand and the other holding Josie's hand. Rachel's gaze moved to Josie who had almost fallen asleep in her seat.

Rachel made herself comfortable as she looked out the window, into the streets of San Francisco.


"Rachie poo, we're here" Lizzie cooed pointing at Rachel's face. 

"Liz stop harassing the girl" Josie said as Rachel opened her eyes. When Rachel opened her eyes she nodded at Josie's words. The girls had left the car, and now they were faced with an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of San Francisco. 

"Well let's go and save some Titans'" Hope said hands on her hips.

"Let's go" Rachel said leading the group into the abandoned building. She leads them down the basement. 

"Rach-" Josie started but got cut off by Rachel's hand indicating that Jo should shut up. They walked further down the stairs and were met with a Bright green light.

"kryptonite" Rachel gasped "Connor!" she yelled looking at the cage with Connor Kent on the floor, she ran to turn off the kryptonite cage. Once off Rachel tried to make her way to Connor

"You-stay away from us" Connor gasped for air falling to the ground.

"Please Connor, it's me Rachel" The purple-haired titans cried out slowly walking towards the fallen boy. 

"Rachel? if your Rachel Roth free the other Titans'" Connor coughed out passing out on the floor. Rachel nodded wiping the tears off her face. She continues forward with the others on her tail.

The next person she came across was Tim Drake. The poor guy is tied to a chair with a blindfold and handcuffs on his hands and legs, Rachel runs and goes to un-cuff the poor guy. When Rachel un cuffed Tim he looked exhausted and hungry. 

"Rach- stay away from me-" Tim panted attempting to fight her, keyword attempt to fight her. 

"It's me, I swear," Rachel said raising her arms higher. Tim dropped his stance and stared into her blue eyes. 

"You swear?" Tim asked sitting back down. 

"I swear" 

"Go get the others" Tim huffed as Rachel walked past him, the supernaturals on her tail.

The next person they came across was Kory Anders or Starfire. She was in a fireproof box sitting in the corner. 

"Rachel?!, it wasn't you thank goodness. get me out of here" Kory exclaimed standing straight up. Rachel chuckled a teary laugh, opening the door to the box. Kory pulled her into a hug. 

"Go get the rest of us" Kory whispered. She didn't look as bad as Connor or Tim.

Rachel walked towards the end of the large basement, she saw an animal cage and immediately ran towards it. Gar Logan rests aside in the cage in the form of a green wolf. Rachel unlocked the cage and Gar immediately nudged her, telling her to turn around. She turned around and was met with Hope's eyes being bright yellow. 

"Sorry," Hope apologised, gripping Jo's hand harder.

"All good" Gar said from behind Rachel. "Rachel, what the hell. Why did you kidnap us" Gar asked.

"I'll explain later Gar, go outside. Find Kory, Connor and Tim" Rachel told him as he basically ran out of the basement.

"How many more people" Lizzie complained.

"One more person," Rachel said moving forward.

Walking further she saw Dick Grayson hanging upside down, in a cocoon made out of silk, like a spiderweb. 


"Rachel" Dick Grayson said, "get me out of here Rach" Dick asked. 

"Okay, Okay," Rachel said going to untie him. 

"Wait, I've got a spell," Josie said. She muttered a small spell and Dick immediately fell to the floor, no silk on his body. 

"Thanks, Jo, Dick go outside I'll be there in a sec" Rachel said as Dick basically bolted out of there. Rachel and the supernaturals made their way outside of the basement.

"what the hell happened Rachel?" 


sooooooooooooo i might not make a second book, but i might back a hosie book.


Second last chap <3

merry Christmas and a happy new year <3

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