6→ Agreeing to Disagreeing

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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Agreeing to Disagreeing

Lizzie was one for begging her mum for abnormal things, like one time she wanted her mother to fly her to New York for a concert. Another time when Lizzie was 16 she wanted to leave the Salvatore boarding school and live a 'normal' life and attend Mystic Falls High school.

But now she was begged her mum to let her go to San Francisco with a girl that they met a few days ago.

Lizzie and Josie both crept up to the headmasters' office where they siphoned of the spell on the door as they put their ears to the door. 

"-It'll be good for them Care" Their aunt Elena's voice ringed through the door.

"I don't know Elena, you know it's like sending them off in a box" Their mother's voice quietly came through.

"Come on barbie!, Ric already said it was fine, Plus their wakoo uncle Kai isn't here" Uncle Damon's voice said next. 

"I don't know I'll have to thi-" Their mother's voice got cut office as the door swung open, showing their aunt Bonnie at the door.

"Girls!, what do you need?" Bonnie asked, stepping outside the room, closing the door behind her. 

"We need to talk to our Mother" Lizzie answered her eyebrow raised.

"About?" Bonnie asked a sweet smile on her lips.

"We really need to go somewhere and we kinda need mum's permission" Josie answered looking at the door behind Bonnie.

Bonnie let out a loud sigh, before she answered the question. "CAROLINE" She yelled as the blonde headmaster opened the door. Bonnie went back inside after Caroline came outside. 

"Yes girls?" Caroline asked as she put on a fake smile, Lizzie and Josie thought it would be best to ignore the fake smile and go straight to the point.

"We need to go with Rachel to San Francisco" Lizzie said getting straight to the point.
Caroline thought about it for a second.

"I don't know girls, we barely know the girl. she could be dangerous" Caroline answered after a second.

"Yes mum, but she's our friend. We have to go!" Josie spoke this time, putting on her baby face (which no one can resist).
Caroline sighed and weighed her options, let the girls go on this little quest (that might be their last) or make them stay here.

After some thinking she reluctantly agreed as long as they agree to one thing.

"Yes mum we'll agree to anything!" Lizzie exclaimed.


"yeah no" Lizzie disagreed, they were now sitting on the coach in the headmasters' office, the twins on one side and Caroline on the other (their aunts and uncle on Caroline's side).

"Come on Liz, it'll be good for you and Jo" Damon huffed out looking at a agreed Josie and disagreed Lizzie.

"She's family" Bonnie said a small smile on her lips.

Lizzie couldn't believe this. Her mother and father wanted to go to live with their aunt Liv in Portland for a few weeks. They claimed it was for bonding time. of course Josie was ecstatic to be connecting with family she can relate to. Lizzie knew for a long time that Josie had problems connecting with their dad's and un-biological mother's side of the family. She knew if they met with their biological mum's side of family Josie would connect more than Lizzie would.

Of course this wasn't the reason she didn't want to go, she loved her sister to death and would do anything to fix this problem.
Lizzie just didn't want to leave anything behind behind but she knew Josie was leaving her soulmate behind to go visit this aunt in Portland.

Reluctantly Lizzie agreed.

Just so she can go to San Francisco.

Fuck you San Francisco. 


P.s pretend my girl liv is alive and married to tyler

P.s p.s pretend ty is alive.


it's been a while :( been a bit busy BUT summer/Christmas holidays are coming uppppppp!!!!
so chapters will come out easier!!!

lmk if u enjoyeddd

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