4 → Titans and half demons

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Chapter Four 

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Chapter Four 

Titans and half-demons


Rachel gasped for air, as the photograph fell from her hands and onto the wooden floor of the office.

Her name is Rachel Roth.

"I'm Rachel Roth" Rachel muttered over and over again, louder each time.

"Yes, you're Rachel Roth" Caroline's voice came as she stepped into the office.

"Mum, have you found anything on Rachel Roth?" Lizzie asked, stepping towards her mother.

"Yes, but we have to talk about Rachel's magic first" Caroline said, glancing at Rachel, who was looking straight at them.

"Sit, Rachel" Caroline said as she sat in her office chair. Rachel sat in the chair opposite the desk with the twins and Hope standing beside her.

"So, Rachel we found out your magic is very dark and very powerful, might even be more powerful than Hope" Caroline started glancing at each of the girls. "Your magic is obviously nothing we have seen before, we think it's one and a kind, only you possess it, through further examination we like to think your powers are kind of demonic"

What the actual fuck?


What is she, a half demon?

"Your powers are contained in the gem on your forehead, that's why it glows when you're using your powers" Caroline ended staring at the bewildered girls.

"Okay ... .that's a lot to take in" Lizzie muttered glancing at Rachel.

"Okay so i'm a demon" Rachel finally spat out.

"Well we don't know yet for sure" Caroline answered, playing with a pen in her hands.

"Okay.....um what's the other news you have on me" Rachel asked trying to ignore the fact that these people thinks she's a demon.

"Right so, we searched up your name on google, Rachel Roth, apparently your adoptive mother is dead and, your birth parents are dead as well, you live in San Francisco, at a residence called 'Titian's tower'. Caroline said reading off a piece of paper

"Will you contact the people I live with?" Rachel asked her blue eyes staring into Caroline's.

"We will try, but first we're gonna try and get your memories back" Caroline answered looking straight into Rachel's eyes.
Rachel nodded.
Just then a phone started ringing, it was Hope's cell phone.

"Hey Aunt Freya......You found it??.......Can you deliver it?.....really??......Thank you Aunt Freya!....Bye, Love you" Hope hung up the phone and looked up at the rest of the room.

"That was my aunt Freya, she found the book that contains Raven Azarath" Hope smiled, "the book should come in 3......2......1"Just then a book appeared on the Headmaster's desk, with a sticky note stuck on it.

The note said...."Here's the book - Love Aunt Freya"
The actual book was old, with a brown leather cover and big letters on the front "Azarath"
Rachel pulled the note off the book and opened the book to another page. The page she opened it on was a family tree.
Rachel gasped as she read the family tree.

Species = Demon

Angela Azarath
Species = Magician

Raven Azarath (Rachel Roth)
Species = Hybrid (Half Human/Half Demon)

Rachel gasped, her finger grazing her own picture in the book.

She's a demon?

She kept reading the book, until she got up to a chapter called 'Rachel Roth (Raven Azarath) '
Rachel opened flipped the page as she started to read it.

Rachel Roth (Raven Azarath)

Rachel Roth daughter of Trigon or known as Raven Azarath, raised by her adoptive mother Melissa Roth. 

Rachel Roth a member of  the titans, the titans contains Nightwing (Richard  'Dick' Grayson), Starfire  (Koriand'r), Beast Boy (Garfield Logan), Superboy (Connor Kent), Robin (Tim Drake) Rachel's guardian's are Dick Grayson and Kory Anders.

Rachel's powers are pure darkness as she is the daughter of darkness, she is the only one of her kind. 

Rachel gasped and dropped the book on the floor, soon after she collapsed on the floor.

It was all coming back to her.


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it's Diwali today!!
Happy Diwali!!


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