mabye last dance.

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The next morning,you awaken to the sun blaring into your eyes through the gap in the curtain.

You shield your eyes with the back of your hand,trying desperately to block out the sun from your recently unshielded eyes.

For a few more minute's,you lay in bed just to let your body fuction fully.Finally,you get up out of bed and stretch your arm's out.

It's currently 07:34am in the morning..So,you have the full day to yourself until about 8pm since thats when you need to be in for the dance that starts at 21:30,leaving you an hour and thirty minute's to get ready.

You turn on your phone,to see loads of missed texts and calls from Tom,so you finally text back.

You turn on your phone,to see loads of missed texts and calls from Tom,so you finally text back

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It was pretty annoying how he spams,but boy's are boy's you guess..So,you and Tom text for a few hour's (more like hour's on end..!!)


You start getting ready to leave at 19:30pm so heres your stuff. (Reminder ignore the hair part if you wear hijabs)

So first your outfit (its casual since you have to change anyway)

So first your outfit (its casual since you have to change anyway)

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So pretty ♡♡♡

Now hair,it may aswell be ready for the dance since it isn't raining

Now hair,it may aswell be ready for the dance since it isn't raining

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Now makeup.

You look absolutely gorg,now hurry it's time to go

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You look absolutely gorg,now hurry it's time to go.So,you get into your car and begin driving to the burlesque club,and you bet Tom will be there again.Every night,that man is there.And you didn't really mind,it was kind of forming a crush on him just by the way he looked at you.

His eye's were so gorgeous,his face looks like it was perfectly moulded by angel's.You wish you were sat next to him and not dancing around like a weirdo.

Finally,you arrive at the club and start get ready. You're not meant to do this but you do anyway,you peek behind the curtain and see tom there but with another man.The other man has jet black hair and is wearing dark tight clothes,and the weird thing is that he looks like Tom's twin.Mabye its his brother.

It's time for you to go on stage,today's dance is with Adriana,Louise and Jessie.You really hope Jessie won't try and trip you up or push you (since that's what she always does.))

While performing,Tom does his natural thing and stares you out the entire time.But when your heading out to your car,Tom catches up with you and asks.

"Hey,Bri is it?? Why didn't you answer my text's and calls all night????" He questions out of you reply.

"It's none of your business!!! After all,im just a Burlesque dancer to you Tom Kaulitz...!!" You reply with,obviously trying to scare him away,sadly it dosent work but actually intrigues him more.

"bri,trust me..Your more than just a Burlesque dancer to me..So how would you like to stay round mine...??!!" Tom asks,eagerly.It seems he has strong interest in you,you really want to scream yes but you barely know him.

"I barely know you Tom,and besides I've watched way to many kidnapper documentary's in my life!!!" You raise your voice a bit to try and piss him off,but nothing works.

"Okay,okay beautiful.Call me if you ever change your mind,since i know you're off on Thursday's and Friday's!!" He exclaim's,before scurrying to his car and driving off.Leaving you and your thought's,so you just drive off and head your way home.

(Like 15-20 mins later)

You go up to your apartment,just to see someone had broke in.So you just begin checking around to see what they took,it seems they took all of your money and a few pieces of jewellery.

Your mind was too corrupted right now,you couldn't sleep here..Then you remember,oh Tom.So you just  message tom,asking if you can sleepover for a few night's.

Thank god,he said yes and that he would pick you up in a few minutes.You were nervous and excited.

A few minute's later,Tom pulls up infront of your apartment (he pulled up in a new buggati.)

Before you know it,you're in Tom's house. It's gorgeous,almost like a mansion.Then he tells you.

"So,Bri you're sleeping on the couch.But if you want..My bed is always free..!" He exclaim's with a wink and his signature grin,not long after he head's off to his bedroom and leaves you on the couch.

im just a burlesque dancer...-tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now