Chapter 2

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The next day went the same routine. My alarm clock buzzed in the early morning of the eighteenth, yet I was already awake. Well, I've been sitting here on my terrace, staring outside for hours as I keep my thoughts wander aimlessly.

The city was slowly coming to life as the sun began to rise. It's beautiful today, I thought. Not many people are outside, uncommon to very busy streets on weekdays. I sighed as I watched some people like an observer, things I kinda do sometimes. Yet, I still always feel disconnected from it all. As if I'm just a fucking spectator to whatever life this is, merely existing but not truly living.

A cup of untouched coffee had grown cold on the small table next to me. I absentmindedly picked it up as the cold cup touched my skin. And as I took a sip, the bitter taste barely registered on my senses. I wasn't sure why I had even made it in the first place, I don't even like it at all.

Finally, I tore my gaze away and went back inside. I prepared to go to work once more, eat, take a bath, get dressed. As I chose a simple outfit, I couldn't help but glance at the calendar on my wall, reminding myself to leave early later. With a final check in the mirror, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

Day five hundred seventy one.

I walked down the stairs in a bit of a hurry, deciding to change things up today and take my car with me. Once I got in, the smell inside wasn't that familiar. I mean, I haven't used this one for a month, that's why. Then, turning on the engine, I finally drove away to work.

My mind drifted again as I drove slowly to that building, thoughts wandering casually just like they had on the terrace earlier. I actually opened the radio, playing some pop songs to keep the thrill, but the lyrics didn't even grasp with me, I am still not excited. It was all just background noise.

As soon as I get there, work passes by in a blur, as it often does. I submerged myself all over again in a heavy workload, focusing on the here and now, trying to get busier than I should to keep the time pass by faster. As the day wore on, I found myself glancing at the clock more frequently. I was eager for my out to come, to leave the office and finally go to the village. My fingers tapped impatiently on the keyboard, and my thoughts drifted back to what food I am going to bring to them.

And so, I quickly texted Lizzie.

Lizard 🦎

I'm about to leave my office,
do you need anything?

Lizard 🦎

Okay, but is she asleep?

Lizard 🦎
no but she will once you come here

haha so funny🙄 Can you ask
her if she wants anything?

Lizard 🦎
"Do we afford steak tonight?" Do you?

I chuckled reading her reply before typing back: Alright, wait for me.

I closed my desktop and finally gathered my belongings. I haven't gone to the village for a week now, and I was supposed to go two days ago but I've been a little bit relentless in my work, so I had missed my weekly visit with them. Now, locking the office door behind me, I headed towards the elevator without wasting any time.

As soon as I got out, I got inside my car and went to the nearest grocery store close to them. When I arrived there, I quickly grabbed everything I needed for dinner, including that steak she wanted, and some grocery needs for the whole month. Then, as I headed in for beverages, I heard a familiar little voice on the other side, shouting, "Mum, I got it!"

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