Chapter 8

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"Alright, calm your ass down. We can talk about this later." Cate remarked, quickly striding past Mia toward the exit of the airport.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" Mia shot back, hurrying to catch up with Cate. "What did you mean by that? When did this happen? How? What the fuck?"

"See, I should've not told you early."

"No, tell me now. You met her and--"

"Later, Mia..."

"Oh my god, so she's really here? All a long, she's hiding in Germany?!"

Cate took another measured sigh, her eyes reflecting a mix of patience and understanding. She halted her steps and turned to face Mia, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "Mia, darling, breathe," Cate urged gently, "It's a lot to process, I know, but let's find a proper place first then I'll tell you everything, alright?"

Mia's eyes widened in disbelief, her frustration was evident as she struggled to process the information Cate had just dropped.

"Y/n's back and you didn't tell me sooner... How could you take this calmly?" Mia retorted, "Is that why you went here alone? Did you know she's here before--"

"What?" Cate interrupted, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I understand your frustration but, what is this? What are you trying to tell me?" Cate's gaze never left Mia, trying to study her sudden accusation, "I never expected to see her, Mia. I only found out she's here the day I thought you're coming with my boys," Cate told her with the same expression, "I went here for my job, I mentioned that to you, didn't I?... Besides, what would I get if keep her from you?"

Mia's expression shifted from frustration to a momentary realization. "Right, fine, okay..." she uttered, her voice became a bit softer. "But that's the reason why you've been bugging me since then, right?"

Cate nodded a little, "It is indeed important." She sighed and softly gave her a faint smile of understanding, "Look, we're both tired and this conversation won't go any good if we're both on edge," Cate suggested, gesturing toward the exit. "Let's head home, get settled, and we'll talk about this properly, alright?"

"Yeah, okay. Sorry for freaking out," She admitted, "...But I'm not sorry for being mad because that's all I could feel right now. You can't stop me."

Cate hailed a cab once they got outside, they both got in, and a moment there was silence, the sound of the busy streets filled the void between them. The blonde can't stop thinking about her conversation with Y/n a while ago, and Mia was still grappling with the sudden news. Then, Mia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, unable to bear the weight of the unanswered questions any longer.

Finally, unable to contain herself, Mia broke the silence. "Can't take it anymore, how did you--How?" Mia blurted out as she eagerly face Cate, "When did you see her?"

Cate sighed, knowing there was no avoiding the conversation now. She leaned back in her seat, contemplating how much she should reveal to Mia.

"In the movie theater," Cate began, "Honestly, I still don't know what happened there. It was the most sudden thing, I couldn't comprehend what exactly--"

"Yeah, yeah, you're happy to see her, but I need actual details."

Cate gave her a look, "I didn't say I am... But, well, it doesn't mean I'm not."

Mia rolled her eyes, "Your face says otherwise," she replied. "Continue, what actually happened?"

"I saw her, and well... it might sound cliché, but everything stopped," She smiled, "Y/n was just standing there, popped up as if she's been there the whole time," Cate recounted, her voice softened at the mention of her name, "She's actually with someone else, two young girls, I think. Though, the other looks exactly like her..."

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