Chapter 4

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The morning before seeing each other

Cate fumbled through the contents of her bag, her brow furrowed in concentration as she listened to Hylda, her agent, brief her again about what is planned for today's agenda. She took out her make up kit, her daughter's extra shirt, and the tangled mess of wire from her charger just to eagerly search for her phone.

While Hylda was telling her the things she'll do today, the words seemed to fade into the background as Cate's urgency to find her phone grew. Her boys, accompanied by their father, Andrew, are currently on the plane(or so she still hopes to), and their flight might be landing any minute. The last update she had that they might get a delay, and that was hours ago. Knowing her, they might get there late again.

"Patricia, honey," Cate called out, her voice echoing through the spacious room. "Have you seen Mommy's phone?"

A muffled response came from the dining room. "...It's here, Mum!"

Cate chuckled softly. She knew her daughter had a habit of picking up her phone when she wasn't looking, often drawn to the camera or her games. With a grateful sigh, Edith appeared from behind the door with her eyes giving an innocent look to her mother.

"Thank you, cupcake," Cate said, tousling Edith's hair affectionately.

Edith grinned, offering the phone back to her mother. "I was just watching. Promise."

Cate smiled faintly, imagining her daughter engrossed in some K-pop videos she got interested lately. "Next time, darling, make sure to ask, okay? Have you finished your breakfast?"

A nod and a slightly shy smile accompanied Edith's admission that she had two spoonfuls left.

"Alright then," Cate replied, crouching down to her daughter's level. She brushed away a few stray strands of hair from Edith's face. "Finish up so we can head out. We still need to pick up your brothers."

When they finally stepped outside, a sleek black car was already waiting for them. Hylda went ahead, while Cate and Edith are following her. Cate's hand instinctively went to her pocket, smiling nicely while some people were waiting for them outside the hotel.

Finally set inside the car, Cate took a moment to check if everything was in order, her eyes glancing over the contents of her bag and the small backpack Edith carried.

"Edi, sweetheart, do you have everything in your backpack?" Cate asked, her tone gentle as she looked at her daughter.

Edith nodded enthusiastically, her eyes bright with excitement. "Yes, uhm... I've got my coloring book, some snacks, and mr. Bucky." Cate softly beamed a smile, knowing how important that stuffed toy to her. Edith excitedly took Bucky out of her pink glittery bag, continuing proudly, "And look, mum, I change his clothes into a suit a while ago! You remember the one we bought before?"

Cate nodded, "Of course," She said as she touches the toy's red little bow tie, "You made him very handsome, darling. I'm sure Y/n will be impressed."

Edith beamed with pride, "I want Y/n to know that I take good care of him. He's always with me," she said, hugging the stuffed toy tightly.

Cate's heart warmed at her daughter's words, a silent hope echoing in her mind. "I'm sure she'll appreciate that, sweetheart." She sighed and gently tucked her daughter's curly hair behind her ears, "We'll make sure you're going to give him back to her, okay?"

"When the time comes?" Edith asked, quoting what Cate always says to her. She blinks to her mother with innocence as she raises her pinky finger, "Promise?"

Cate smiled at her with a nod before intertwining her pinky finger with Edith. Then, she kisses her daughter's head and whispered, "I promise."

Upon arrival at the airport, Cate and Edith were met by Andrew, who was waiting with their three boys. This time, Cate had to part ways temporarily as Natalie Murray Beale, her coach for conducting, is going to meet with her. She made sure they are settled before bidding goodbye to them, leaving Edith in the care of Andrew and her brothers.

As they parted ways, Cate finally made her way to the designated restaurant where she was to meet Beale. The lunch meeting was filled with discussions about how they will do their sessions and about the upcoming movie. Amidst their conversation, the German film directors was brought up as Beale had already a lot of experience being a consultant in various theatre, operas and films.

Knowing Cate, she got intrigued and went over it, leading Beale to talk about this certain director she want to work again. The latter even joked about asking Cate to watch this recently released film of the said director.

"Why not?" Cate replied with a grin, taking it seriously as she was always open to the exploration and game to hang out with her.

The day unfolded, filled with insights and plans for their conducting session. After their meeting, Cate and Murray finally decided to catch the mentioned German film.

The cinema was cozy, the air filled with the familiar scent of buttered popcorn. Cate and Murray settled into their seats, ready to absorb the magic of storytelling on the big screen. The film unfolded, weaving a narrative that resonated with the intricacies of German culture.

As the credits rolled, Cate found herself engrossed in contemplation. The director had indeed captured the essence of the human experience. The subtle nuances of the characters, the immersive cinematography-it all left a lasting impression.

Exiting the cinema, Cate and Murray discussed about it, still immersed in the film they just watched. Yet, little did she know, fate had its own plans.

Turning a corner, everything suddenly stopped. It was like that moment before, and Cate always forgot how it affects her being, how you could really feel that your heart could jumped out of your system. Apart of her didn't mean to ignore the person's she's with now, but like the last time, nothing really matters anymore besides her eyes meeting a figure she had long to see again.


Cate's lips slowly parted at the sight, feeling delight and surprise at the same time. She saw a two little young girls with Y/n and Cate wasn't familiar with them, but instead of being intrigued, she was just too glad to see her lost love.

Like a snap, Cate expression changed when Y/n saw her. Eyes meeting one another, facing each other in a big distance that felt so close it's like she's in front of her.

It feels like a long time, that Cate could stay there for as long as she'll never leave Y/n's sight again. Yet, she saw a tear fell from Y/n's eyes that might've made her gasp the very least she could.

No, no, I'm sorry

Without thinking, Cate was about to approach her, probably tell her that it's okay or just simply, desperately want to see her upclose. But as she took a step, Y/n's face quickly became a horror, like Cate was suddenly a ghost to her.

And then Y/n did the same thing she did before.

She left.

Only this time, Cate was there to witness that.

Only this time, She ran and try to catch her.

But as soon as she got outside, Y/n was already gone.

How can this be more hurtful when one of them was trying to get away... and the other only wanted her to stay?

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