Chapter 3

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I immediately rushed out of the theater, practically dragging Chloe and Lizzie with me without explaining a word about what had just happened. They were both surely puzzled and concerned, even bombarding me with questions, but I couldn't find the words to answer them. My mind was a fucking chaotic mess right now, and all I could think about was getting away from this place.

We reached the car, and I even freaking fumbled for the keys, shit, my hands trembling as I opened them. As I finally unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat, I felt their eyes on me, their confusion and worry was basically all over their faces.

I looked away so they won't see my frantic face, but Chloe spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "Y/n, what happened? Is someone chasing us?"

I gulped, No.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart, but the images of Cate kept flashing in my mind, her eyes founding mine, how her smiling lips faded when she saw me.

How come you're here?

I quickly turned on the engine and finally replied without answering her question, "Let's get out of here."

I didn't look back at the theater anymore, not even for a second. My hands were still shaking as I gripped the steering wheel, trying to put some distance between us and that place. I could feel Chloe and Lizzie exchanging worried glances in the backseat, but I couldn't bring myself to explain w̶h̶a̶t̶ who I had just seen. It was like my throat had suddenly gone dry, and words just couldn't come out.

She shouldn't see me.

The road ahead seemed like a blur as I drove on, and my head was a mess of things I can't process with a right mind. I couldn't believe I had run into Cate, right here, right now. It felt like a fucking cruel twist of fate, that the things I've been scared to happen is finally coming.

How long has she been here?

How the fuck is she here?

"Uhm, I think you were supposed to turn right?" My thoughts were all over the place, and I didn't even realize I had missed a turn. Lizzie's voice snapped me back to reality, and I end up cursing myself from my mistake.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I mumbled in a bit frantic while focusing on the road as I turn back to the right direction. "...Would it be okay if I'm only going to drop you off today?"

"What? why?" Lizzie immediately replied, "You said you're staying the rest of the week, right?"

I glanced at them through the rearview mirror, and my heart ached as I tried to find the right words. "I... have to take care of something today-- Just something important," I replied, the tone of my voice were obviously not telling them the truth. "Uhm, work stuff."

Chloe chimed in, "But what about your things? Is this about a while ago?"

I swallowed hard and tried to muster a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about my things; I'll take care of them. Just tell Ms. Anderson that I'm still going to help out on Friday... Please?" I turn my head over them as I park the car in front, "Would that be okay?"

They look at each other for a moment before nodding at the same time while they quickly getting their bag and said their goodbye. As Chloe and Lizzie left the car, I watched them go, their confused expressions still etched on their faces. It pained me to see their worried looks, but I couldn't bring myself to explain everything. Not now.

The weight of the encounter with Cate still bore heavily on my shoulders, and the only thing I could think of was getting back to my apartment and shutting out the world.

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