Chapter 10

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"You have to move on, Catherine," I said firmly, my voice trembling slightly, trying to suppress everything I'm feeling. I can feel her eyes on me, the agony of knowing that I was the cause of her suffering. "I already did, you should too."

I slumped in the table and kicked the trash can under my desk, causing a loud thud around the room. I cursed, knowing that I had probably startled everyone in the office. Peeking out from behind the transparent glass, I saw my coworkers staring back at me, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. So, I quickly flashed them an awkward smile and a thumbs-up, trying to play off my outburst as nothing more than a harmless accident.

Not wanting them to see my state, I moved away from the desk and went to the couch in the corner of my office, collapsing onto it with a heavy sigh. It was subtle, one line that says it all, but in return, I had distanced myself again, this time using those words I never meant to say. Cate told me she wasn't okay, and out of fear of being seen, I brushed off her feelings with a thoughtless remark, just like an asshole would do.

What does it mean, then?

She should be okay, right? That's the whole point of--

But if she wasn't okay than I hoped for, what does this all mean, then?

The sound of the door snapped me out, and I blinked in surprise as Eve burst into the room, "I have the tickeeeets!"

"Yes, come in," I whispered sarcastically, which she ignored by waving the tickets in my face. I snatched it on her hands, adding, "You're a liar, you said you already have these."

"Did I, really?" She replied that made me roll my eyes on her. Eve clapped her hands like a little excited kid, "Anyway, look at the date, I moved the flight tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?!" I shouted in shock looking at the tickets we had. September seventh, which is really tomorrow, "At two in the morning?" I retorted looking up at her, "Everleigh?!"

"What? Be thankful I didn't choose the flight today. You already hate me."

I scoffed, "Oh, okay. Thank you so much I hate you even more."

"Oh please, the pleasure is mine," Eve quipped, flopping down onto the couch beside me. She turned her face to me, adding, "Common! You know you can't complain anymore."

I sighed, knowing she was right. Also, we had an agreement. But right now, the thought of leaving seemed more daunting than ever. "I know, I know," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. "Fine, just no one is coming with us. That's what we talked about..." I expected her to answer yet I didn't get one. So, I looked at her with wide eyes, "Right?"

She repeatedly nodded and so I watched her just nodding at me and I knew there was something until she slowly shook her head and finally said, "Olivia's here and she's coming."

I clicked my tongue and crossed my arms with disappointment, "I knew it, you're always like that! You don't even try to consid--" Suddenly I realized what she mentioned, so I looked at her with shock, "Who's—She what?"

As if on cue, the door opened again and Olivia walked in, a bright smile on her face, "Surprise!" My jaw dropped from what's happening, and I looked at both of them and they're fucking smiling at me. Olivia chuckled and walked into us, "Do you like me or are you just too happy I'm here?"

I immediately frowned--Actually, disgusted. "First of all, yuck. Second and last, ew." She laughed at me and so I threw my pillow at her, "Why the hell are you here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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