Chapter 6

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The event continued, and I kept myself busy with various tasks, all while discreetly observing Cate from a distance. My heart raced at the thought of a possible interaction, but it seemed like she was engrossed in the event, focused on her role as a guest.

"And of course, I've been meaning to introduce this one to you. One of the youngest volunteer here and who's been helping the village since last year, Y/n," my aunt introduced me, and for a moment, I felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. Cate's eyes finally met mine, and there was a flicker of gladness in her gaze.

The room seemed to narrow down to just the two of us. My heart raced, unsure of what to expect. I smiled almost a little to her before looking down and  continued what I'm doing, serving other people some dishes as if their presence doesn't affect me.

Suddenly, Cate reaches her hand to me, "I've heard you made a lot of changes here. I'm Cate."

Cate's introduction of herself caught me off guard. Her extended hand, her calm demeanor—it all felt surreal, as if we were strangers meeting for the first time. The warmth in her voice when she complimented me doesn't hint a single awkwardness she should felt.

I reciprocated the handshake, my mind racing to comprehend the situation. "Y/n." I tried to make it brief, two small handshakes and unclasped it immediately.

But fuck.

The moment our eyes met again, I quickly looked down and focused on the food I was serving, pretending to be engrossed in the task at hand.

My heart is thudding erratically in my chest.

What are you doing to me?

Cate seemed to notice my sudden action, and I felt her smile widened. "...Honestly, I salute you. I mean, It's really amazing what you've done for the village." she said warmly, attempting to ease the moment I know she also felt.

I nodded with a faint smile as my hands tried to grasp every food plate in front of us as if I'm looking for something, "I mean, I--it's a team effort." I said like I almost choked, fuck, "I'm sorry--Excuse me."

I excused myself, feeling a mix of embarrassment and nervousness. My heart continued to pound as I walked away, trying to regain my composure. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and I needed a fucking moment to compose myself.

My feet found the path to Aunt Leah's home at the end of the hallway. I hastily opened a door, causing it to hit against the wall inside. Then, I immediately headed for the kitchen, almost throwing my phone over the table so I could pour myself a glass of cold water to calm myself for a while. While drinking, I contemplated whether to go back, unsure if I could act normal throughout the gathering... or maybe just freaking hide away forever.

Thirstily gulping down a second glass, I accidentally poured too much, causing some water to spill on my shirt. I cursed myself for being such a mess, quickly rushing to my room to change into a new shirt. However, my bag, which was on the floor beside the bed, was now nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, a loud thud echoed from outside, like someone had bumped into a table. Still searching for my bag, I shouted, "Lizzie, is that you?! Do you know where my bag is?"

No response.

"Liz? Did you hide it or not?" I called again, growing more frustrated.

With seconds passing and still no answer, I went outside of my room, only wearing a bra on my top, and called, "Elizabeth, are you—"

I froze in my tracks when I saw Cate standing there, looking at me with wide eyes. Panic set in as my thoughts wondered, 'What is she doing here?' Yet the only thing I could manage was to gulp, cold sweat building up on me as I continued to stare at her with surprise. Suddenly, her eyes moved down, and that's when I remembered what I looked like.

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