Chapter 5

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It's been two days and I haven't seen a person since then.

—I mean, okay, no. I haven't back to the village yet and I've been isolated in this apartment for two days.

I've practically become one with the couch, eating microwave left overs, binge-watching a show, and basically replaying in my head about our paths crossing to each other in the theater.

I've reached the point where I'm questioning if I should do a disguise just to grab some fresh air and hopefully a fresh food. Sunglasses, a hat, or even a jabberwockies mask is one of my consideration. Thinking myself from it, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of my thoughts. Perhaps I've watched one too many spy movies or, more likely, I'm just losing my shit. I sighed heavily while my eyes staring on the ceiling and basically laying upside down on the couch.

I still don't know what to do.

She could be mad, as she must.

or worse, she's might be at rage.

and hurt, most certainly.

My apology won't change anything I did.

But if it happens, that I would be able to talk to Cate, it's all I could probably tell her.

Or maybe I'm going to be frozen like a fucking hotdog in a freezer. Like an old meat that's been rotting there for weeks.

Or most probably, leave in embarrassment.

Since I settled here, I've thought about thousands of possibilities that we're going to see each other again. In the street, in the bus stop, in the mall, and everywhere I go it became something like a habit I can't get rid off me. My eyes will get clear everytime I'll see a woman that has the same hair, same height, same style like Cate. I hear more clearly everytime I'll hear someone almost sounds like her. And every single time, I get disappointed.

Truthfully, I was looking for her, and it's hard to admit that I do because... I always go back that day, that December night that I left everything I had and it always reminds me that I have no fucking right to see her.

But then, it happened.

Who would've thought it will happen?

I was given a chance to see Cate, to be so close yet so far from her.

... And I still fucked that up.

I buried my face into the pillow, trying to muffle the scream I made. There's this constant loop in my head, thinking it was right decision and then regretting how things turned out. It's like getting close to something you want so bad but then watching it slip through your fingers.

"Why I can't flash this thing?!"

Right, I forgot I'm not alone.

I groaned as I rolled my eyes, "What the hell did you do to my bathroom?" I shouted back, finally getting up from this couch and follow Eve who's been doing her business for I don't how long, "I told you to use the plunger!"

Unfortunately, my alone time was ended when Eve showed up in my doorstep a couple of hours ago. Apparently, her mother made her go here because she's afraid that I might have killed myself already. I felt guilty that she really thought of it, even they know I already done this a couple of times, even longer than two days.

Eve emerged from the bathroom, looking at me with frustration, "I tried the plunger, but it's not working. I thought you already told this to your landlord?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I did, and she said don't use this one yet like I literally told you a while ago."

She shrugged, clearly unconcerned. "Well, it's not like I did it on purpose. Your plumbing is just as dramatic as your life."

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