Chapter 9

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Author's note: Another one bc ily:))
"She left her phone and took yours?"

"Again, accidentally."

Aunt Leah gave me a confused look, "But how exactly again? Did both of you exchange numbers?"

"Wha--no! Why would we do that?" I exclaimed almost like I'm gonna shout the hell out of it. "I didn't talk to her that long, it just happened that--"

With the same expression, she cut me off, "Y/n, I was just joking, why are you so tense today?"

I quickly shook my head, calmly respond, "Ich bin nicht...(I'm not...)"

The sun was still hidden a while ago when I finally went out my room from my useless sleep last night. As I've been lately, I spent another night thinking what to do next, or what I should've done the last and just regret every decision I made each time. It's out of control real fast, and all I could do was run away, and I did both times yet I also knew it was wrong and cruel, but from all that's happening, nothing seems right to do anymore because everything was already ruined from the start.

When Cate asked me yesterday if I was scared of her, I'm actually not. But, I am scared of me because each time our eyes meet, that we're in the same room, fate trying to connect us, I hurt her all over again.

I do want to see Cate. Badly. Talk to her without any of this, without needing to act like strangers with other people around, without hiding, without running away. But it's delusional.

So here I am, running away again. Trying to explain to my aunt that Cate is going back here because she left her phone and accidentally took mine. This should be quick.

"Okay... But you already talked to her, right?" I nodded, "Gut, gut. It's not polite to keep someone else's belongings for too long."

I shook my head, "I didn't do it on purpose, she's the one who suggested to pick this up today," I explained as I put the phone down the table in front of her. "Aunty, I'm not good with people. You know that. Specially, she's a celebrity who happens to be a big one. I haven't dealt with someone like her before," I lied, and I'm praying both silently apologizing and wishing she would believe me. With an apologetic look, eyes like a small cat,  I softly added, "...So can you give it to her later? Please?"

Aunt Leah stared at me for a moment before she clicked her tongue, "Why don't you wait for her instead? I'm sure she's expecting to see you. You're the one who kept her phone for god knows what reason behind it," My aunt pressed with a knowing look.

"I have things to do," I replied quickly, avoiding her gaze.

"I have things to do too. A lot."

"It's work."

She gasped, looking at me right in the eye, "You sayin' what I'm doing isn't work?"

I protested, "I didn't even said that!"

She rolled her eyes at me, "So, what then?"

I frowned sadly at her, "Please?I need to go back to the office and... uhm, see who's in there."

Aunt Leah raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by my excuse. Repeating, "See who's in there?"

"Yeah, um, yeah," I stammered, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. I end up fakingly fixing my bag and casually added, "Look, I really need to gooo. I'm very very late."

I heard a sigh from her that made me smile with myself. Then, after a second, she replied in defeated tone, "Fine, fine. I'll give her the phone," she relented, picking up the device to her. She shot me a look, "But you owe me an explanation later, young lady."

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