Chapter 7

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"... doesn't really look like those people, right? I'm not comparing her to them but most celebrities are kinda have bad attitudes."

"DUH! Mom, you only met one, obviously she's kind because she's in front of a lot of people."

"Don't get me wrong, I just can't believe I met a celebrity in person!... And you know, she was very, very down-to-earth. I never expected that with someone that age... How old is she again?"

We're having a dinner now, all sat around the table after a long day of volunteering for the children. After finding out that I have Cate's cellphone, I've been creating a lot of scenarios in my head how will I bring it back to her without making conversation... yet it seems like it's impossible. Fucking impossible.

So, I remained silent, not making much effort to engage in any conversation they're having. I couldn't join them anyway, they don't need to know I know Cate longer than they thought.

I faintly hear Aunt Leah continued, clearly oblivious to my preoccupation, "I mean, who would've thought? Right here in our little home. Cate was such a lovely, genuine person. I wish I had a picture with her!"

She is, without a doubt.

But is she still going to be that lovely person once we talk again? No. I don't think she will. Maybe she was light, warm a while ago but I don't think--

"Y/n, what do you think about Cate?"

Startled, I looked up, meeting Aunt Leah's curious gaze. I wasn't really paying attention so the question only hung in the air, and for a moment, I struggled to comprehend the context. "What?" I end up saying, my voice obviously absentminded while my eyes we're unfocused.

She persisted, her interest was evident through her smile, "What are your thoughts on Cate? The Cate Blanchett? You know, after meeting her a while ago! This one said she was intimidatingly tall."

I blinked, finally going back to reality. A brief moment of panic washed over me as I realized I hadn't been actually paying attention. What would I tell her? I casually looked at my aunt at the end of the table and shrugged, "I... I think she's okay...?"

My response was more vague than I intended to. My aunt's brow furrowed slightly, her expression has a mix of confusion. So I blinked again, trying to come up with something I could say that will please her enthusiasm towards Cate.

"I-I mean..." I trailed off, still searching for the right words to convey my thoughts without divulging too much. "She seemed nice, I guess. Didn't really get to talk to her that much..."

The conversation drifted to other topics, and I silently breathed a sigh of relief. The dinner continued while I remained preoccupied with my problem. I mean, I could look up the internet about her hotel and maybe drop it off without needing to see her?... But, she also have my phone so it would be useless.

Or maybe I could ask my aunt about her number--Ugh, right, I have her phone.

"Why isn't she looking for it yet?"

"Looking for what?"

My eyes went wide when I realized I blurted it out instead of only saying that in my thoughts. But before I could even respond, I flinched when my--Cate's phone suddenly rang in the table. Peaking who might be it, my heart skipped a beat as soon as I read the name.

Hylda Queally

I immediately stood up in shock, still staring at the ringing phone I couldn't afford to touch.

Is Hylda calling because she knew I have Cate's phone?

Do I answer it?

Then, the call dropped.

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