The Main Female Lead Backstory

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Before we start I just want to let you know, I have no cooking clue on what I am doing. So don't judge me, I mean you can I don't mind. And yes this is a crossover of the Twilight Verus to the Wednesday Verus. Here me out though. SHE SPARKLES!

Sage Cullen

- 17 years old.
- Vampire


- Inhumanely strong
- extremely fast
- high senses
- Can control the elements...
- Fluent in Spanish and French
- Master of the piano, ( Edward taught her )
- Skilled fighter (Druh she had the Cullens)
- Sparkels in the sun ( Bella, "You're beautiful," Edward scoffs, "This is a body of a killer)

Sage personality wise

- Cannot control her powers when it comes to angar
- Very quick to act
- smart, yet so dumb
- friendly
- hurt one of her friends/family you will be 6 feet below

Likes and dislikes


- walking in the rain
- random acts of comfort
- rewatching Disney movies
- Dark humor
- Thunderstorms


- lying
- helplessness
- the sun (she dont like the sparkle body)
- seeing her family/friends in danger


Well that sums the main female lead, if theres anything that I could change let me know

See you lovies!


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