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A black hearse drove on a road that was surrounded by thick woods on both sides on the roads.

🎵 "I close my eyes, then I drift away"🎵

The luggage had been strapped on to roof of the car. The license plate number was 'ADD4M5'

Inside the car, Pugsley sat in front with the driver watching the road. Wednesday sat at the back opposite his parents. A disturbed and disgusted look on his face watched his parents sing along to a song.

🎵Both: "Into the magic night, I softly say a silent prayer, like dreamers do"🎵

Wednesday parents, Morticia was a tall thin woman with long straight black raven hair. She wore a long black skin tight dress. Gomez was shorter, with short back hair with pinstripe suit. They were so in love that they couldn't be apart from each other.

🎵Both: "Then I fall asleep to dream my dream of you"🎵

They car suddenly drove through a flock of birds, Morticia snapped her fingers on point as each bird hit the car. Pugsley flinched slightly well Wednesday didnt even butter a eye. 

🎵"I remember that you said goodbye"

Morticia and Gomez leaned closer to escher to each and smashed thier lips together into a passionate kiss.

Wednesday rolled his eyes as his parents pulled away from each other's lips and looked at him

"Darling, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder" Morticia asked, keeping her eyes on Wednesday.

Wednesday turned around to face their driver, " Lunch, please remind my parents that I'm not longer speaking to them." Wednesday turn back to face his parents. Lunch grunted in response.

Gomez leaned forward a bit to his son. "I promise you, my little viper, you will love Nevermore. Won't he Tish?"

"Of course, it's the perfect school for him." Morticia turned her hand slightly to her husband and agreed.

"Why? Because it was the perfect school for you? I have no interest in following in your footsteps" He turned to his parents. "Becoming the captain of the fencing team, King of the dark prom, President of the Séance society" Wednesday continued.

"I merely meant that finaly you will be among peers that will understand you" Morticia clarified to her son.

"Maybe you'll even make friends" She continued.

"Nevermore is like no ther boarding school. It's a magical place. It's where I met your mother and we fell in love." Gomez said, looking at his wife in a loving way.

"You might even meet your 'special someone' " Morticia hinted with a a bit of gleam in her eyes.

"You guys are making me nauseous. Not in a good way." Wednesday said coldly.

"Darling, we aren't the ones who got you expelled." Morticia pointed out,
"That boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges. How would that look on your record?" She continued, looking at the boy with a sadden look.

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