Almost dead (Part 1)

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Wednesday entered the fencing wearing his fencing clothes however since he was apparently allergic to color, everyone as wearing a white fencing uniform while his was black. He walked towards the center of the room making the fencers stop and look at him with an annoyed yet confused expression, Sage however being the vampire she is heard him even before he got into the room. She stared at the boy in black, the said boy casted his eyes towards the staring vampire and both teens keep the gaze until Xavier, Sage's partner took off his helmet, Wednesday mentally rolled his eyes before glancing back to the vampire before looking straight a head. 

Xavier walked towards the vampire girl putting his helmet underneath  his left arm, he had just opened his mouth to ask her something when a student fell to the floor. Sage peeled her bronze eyes away from the goth boy's back and moved it toward the fallen boy who struggled to get off the floor, rolling her eyes with a small scoff she caught Xavier looking at her. 

"Coach, Coach s-she tripped me!" He whined. The vampire felt Xavier tense up a little next to her and moved her eyes away from the fallen boy to the person 'who had tripped him' Not to her surprise it was Bianca Barclay or as Sage called her Ursula, it wasn't on how she looked because she was beautiful but because her siren song. Ursula had removed her helmet with a sly smirk. 

"It was a clean strike Rowan." The Coach said plainly making the said boy silently huff.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more you wouldn't suck." Ursula said with a bitter tone. 

It's true what she said, Rowan, or whine boy was terrible and wouldn't practice to get better so technically its his problem but she also didn't need to say it like that.  

"Seriously Coach, when am I going to get some real competition." She asked in a mocking tone, Sage smirked wicked, she had been waiting for Bianca say those words so she could put her in her place...behind Sage, second place if you will. Sage was just about to speak up when a certain goth boy beat her to it. 

"I do." He said in his usual monotone voice. Oh how that voice made Sage weak to the knees but what words came out of his mouth annoyed her to the core. Xavier who still next to her tapped her shoulder snapped the vampire out of her murderous thoughts. Her eyes looked up to him with her cold gaze that said 'take your hand of me before I break it' which the artist did. 

"Yes" The vampire said in her cold voice, the artist git lost in her eyes for a moment and felt his knees ache.

"Um. uh. W-why were you looking like you were about to murder Wednesday?" He said in a soft voice so no one could hear. The girl looked at him for a moment before turning her gaze to the gothic boy who was already looking at her or more over glaring at Xavier with a murder look. 

"I just might." The vampire simply to the artist who was still staring at her. The boy nodded his head and turned to look at the scene in front of them.

"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let it." Ursula said with a smirk as she turned to face him.

"And you must be the self-appointed queen bee." Wednesday fired back. " Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers and they drop dead. " students 'ooohs' echoed through the classroom and Sage chuckled while keeping a sly smirk on her face. 

Ursula turn to the vampire with a annoyed look, "Why are you laughing, blood sucker." she said with a mocking smirk.

"you, obviously. its funny to think that you'd be the queen bee because no one is defending you and what do bee do for their queen serve and protect and right now no one is doing neither. " Sage said with a grin plastered on her face. Bianca was shocked but played it off, Wednesday's eyes met hers while he mentally praised her and then scolded himself.

Ursula turned back to Wednesday with cold face, "Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defenses. he's not helpless, he's lazy." she stopped for a moment while glancing at Sage who still had a grin on her face that annoyed Bianca to the core, "I wouldn't stay close to that vampire, she tends to lose control."     

Wednesday had enough of this drama and looked at Bianca with a bored expression. "Are we doing or not?"

Ursula nodded and the pair walked to the mat as students gathered around, the swans pulled their helmets on their heads and raised their swords.  

"En grade." The Coach announced

Bianca and Wednesday swung the swords are each other aggressively neither backing down, every clash and every move was blacked until Wednesday dropped the on his feet and touched Bianca his sword.

"Point to Wednesday." The Coach called out, the fencers stood up and faced each other again.

Wednesday and sage made eye contact with each other  she had an impressed  looked on her face which made him more confident and cocky originally so.

The second match began and the two shuffled back and forth on the mat. Wednesday went to go and strike low again but Bianca touch the hit and struck his helmet.

"Score is tie." The Coach called.

Wednesday took office helmet instead medicine they had Bianca she took off her own helmet with a sly smirk.

"The first point was clearly beginner's luck." She said with a cockly grin. "Let's finish this."

"For this final point, I would like to invoke military challenge. No masks. No tips. Winner draws first blood."

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