Almost dead (part 2)

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The students gasped at the goth boy's suggestion while Sage rose an eyebrow with a grin. Her eyes paned over to Bianca awaiting her answer 

"Its your decision Bianca." The Coach said to the siren with a look. 

There is two ways in which Bianca would answer, one she says no with the thought of losing and possibly being hurt and there's two where she says yes with her ego being high as the city lights. Sage knew that Bianca wouldn't back down from a challenge but maybe in her siren mind she would say no and back down, but that would be as rare as finding a dodo. 

Bianca smirked and took her stance with a cocky grin, "Lets see if you bleed in black and white."

The fencers tossed their helmets to the side and removed the tips from their swords, walking towards the mat they took their stance.

The vampire was nervous, very nervous. She knew that he could easily beat Bianca in a matter of seconds but he was feeling over confident and cocky which means he ight mess up. Wednesday glanced over at the Vampire with a small grin and the girl's widen slightly and sent a small nod to him. 

Wednesday time to be younger and the two became battling for the final point this time they moved all around the room instead of confining themselves on the mat when they flip dodge and blocked Bianca's  strikes but that wasn't enough she found an opening and used the opportunity to give him a small cut on his forehead just above his right eyebrow

The gothic boy eyes widen and rose his hand to check for the blood, he found the red substance and looked at his bloody finger as the sea bitch looked at his with a sicken grin.

"Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed" She said with a chuckle.

Sage stalked up to the pair with an annoyed expression but masked it quickly. The siren eyes widened Slightly and took a step back. Wednesday looked at the vampire with a confused expression that was masked in a second, he mentally smirked at the power she had for people. 

"Don't get so cocky now Ursula, we all know that I can make you fall to the ground in a matter of seconds." The vampire said. Bianca looked at the ground for a moment before meeting her eye that cold stare right into her soul made the siren gulp.

"Oh really? Then why don't you if you're so great." The siren said with a mocking tone. The vampire smirk widened and she quickly took her stance. Sage looked at Wednesday and smiled.

"Time me." She simply said and he nodded. 

the battle began the pairs swords clashed together Bianca tried to block the hits Sage had been passing to her but she was slow and sage got her all three times. Bianca looked pissed while Sage looked proud.

"8 seconds." The goth boy said and the vampire smirked. before dropping her gear and dragged the boy out of the room. 


Wednesday sat in the nurse's office with a cold aura as the nurse put the Band-Aid on his cut, Sage was leaning against the wall watching him in curiosity 

"You're Wednesday, right?" A voice said to the pair who was looking at each other 

Wednesday turned his focus to the voice and saw a boy sitting in a chair getting his blood pressure checked. 

"Rowan, I know how you feel." The boy named Rowan said to Wednesday in a synthesizing tone.

"I guarantee you don't." Wednesday stated to glass boy.

" my mother promised me that I'd finally fit somewhere, I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts but looks like you're going to give me a run for my money." He smiled. 

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