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As they walked down the hallway to Wednesday's dorm. A piano playing softy, entered the room as they opened to see Wednesday's dorm room. It had a octagonal webbed window. The room was dull and bland awaiting it's new owner.

The piano's melody became londer and more elegant but a chaotic elegant melody. The Family and Weems fell into silence listening to the piano.

"Who's playing that melody, its beautiful." Morticia said, her eyes closed listening intently to the piano's keys. Wednesday was also impressed with the beautiful melody from the piano.

"Ah, that would be Sage." Weems said and turned towards the door again, hand gesturing the family to follow.

Weems stopped by the door next to Wednesday's dorm and knocked softly, she opened the door and entered the room followed by the Addams.

The room had a circular window covered by a cobweb pattern, half the cobweb was filled with bright colours while the other was black and white.

They looked towards the left side of the room, it had stuffed animals and bright colours plastered everywhere.

On the right side of the room was coloured in earthly colours and had fake leaves above the bed. A marble piano was placed in the upper right corner of the room.

Mortica and Gomez gasped at the sight of the left side of the room.

"Its so vivid.." Gomez forced out.

A girl who had been sitting by a desk on the left side of the room stood up and skipped to Wednesday. She had short blonde hair with dyed pink and blue tops and brightly coloured fingernails.

She wore the Nevermore Academy school uniform which was a white collared shirt, and a black tie with a black sweater over it, striped knee length skirt with a matching blazer which had the Necermore logo embroidered on it.

The girl gasped excitedly at Wednesday. "Howdy neighbor!" She squealed.

"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair." Weems introduced the girl. "Shes going to be your neighbor, so I thought I would in trust her and her roommate to help you settle in."

"Are you feeling okay?" Asked Enid. "You look a little pale."

"Wednesday always looks half-dead" Gomez chimed in.

"Oh" Enid extended her arms out. "Welcome to Ophelia Hall."

She went to go embrace him but Wednesday stepped back. "Not a hugger, got it." She looked down for a moment and muttered to herself, "Just like Sage" and looked back up again.

"Please excuse Wednesday. Hes allergic to colour." Moricia said, eyeing the girl.

Enid became concerned. "Oh, wow. What happens to you?"

"I break out in hives, and the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday deadpanned.

"I SWEAR TO THE LIVING GOD ENID!!!!" A voice called out in an angry tone. Enid jumped back in fear slightly as a someone jumped onto the balcony and quickly entered the room quicker than a blink.

The person stood right in front of Enid and enid yelped back in fright. This caught Wednesday's attention. Her looked at the mystery person. Wednesday was lost for words, she was beautiful. She had medium length black hair, with bangs that covered her forehead and slightly covering her golden irises. She wore the Nevermore Academy uniform but without the blazer.

She felt peoples eyes on her and she looked up to see Wednesday's face along with Morticia, Gomez and Weems looking at her.

"What a dramatic entrance Sage." Weems commented looking at the girl. "Wednesday this is Sage Cullen. She is Enid's roommate and your other neighbor."

Sage looked up to the Addams, trying very hard not to lose control. She slightly smile before looking back down at Enid who looked terrified. Wednesday looked intensely at the girl as he witnessed her irises turned red for a moment.

"ENID! Where the hell did you put my contacts!" Sage demanded. "I let you use it once! I swear to god if you lost them." Sage said looking at Enid who looked like a scared puppy. Wednesday smirked at Sage. 'Shes very interesting' he thought.

"Sage, it's in the bathroom in the second compartment." Enid sias pointing tot he bathroom. Sage relaxed a little before disappearing quickly. Leaving the family shocked.

"Where did she go?" Gomez said looking around.

"To the bathroom." Wednesday pointed out the obvious.

Sage returned back into the room after a minute her eye colour now a deep brown.

"Sage, you better apologize to the Addams and Enid on your behaviour." Weems said looking at the girl with a cold expression. Sage nodded before walking up to the Addams with a small smile.

"Sorry about that, I'm Sage. Welcome to Nevermore." She said looking at Wednesday offering her hand.

"Wednesday." He said and placed his hand in hers. Her hand was ice cold and smooth. His eyes flicked to hers as they stared at each other.

"Lucky we have order you a special uniform, Wednesday." Weems said. Sage and Wednesday broke their trance and took back their hands.

"Sage, Enid, please take Wednesday to the register office to pick it up, and give him a tour along the way" Weems said to the girls.

Wednesday turned and glared at his parents before walking out of the room. Sage walking after him while Enid skipped behid them.
Hello my lovies!

Hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!
Gotta make another one now...
But I love you guys so I will♡


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