Introducing Wednesday

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The sound of children walking, talking and laughing all stopped as the footsteps began to clatter against the dirty school floor

'Clik' 'clank'

A seventeen year old boy, dressed entirely in black began to walk into the middle of the hallway, glancing at children and teachers as he walked.

"I don't know whose twisted idea it was to throw hundreds of adolescence"

He stared at a small gang of children, who turn thier faces away from him in fear.

"In underfunded schools.
Run by people whose dreams were crushed long time ago..."

He glanced over to the teacher, and the sadness on their face was pleasure to him.

"...but I admire the sadism"

The teenagers moved around Wednesday as he moved more out the way. He looked over to see and gang of jocks pushing someone in a locker and closing the door before running off laughing. He maintained his pace and made his way to the locker.

He opened the locker and moved aside as a 10 year old boy, tied with ropes and an apple stuck in his mouth fell out. He kneeled down to the boy and took out the apple.

"I want names" Wednesday said with a murderous tone, looking at the boy's pitiful face.

"I don't know, honest. It all happened so fast" The boy replied, his voice laced with a soft sob. He looked like he was about to cry

"Pugsley, emotion equals weakness, pull yourself together.." Said Wednesday as he looked at Pugsley's whimpering face. "NOW"

Wednesday reached over to the rope that was tied behind Pugsley's wrist. As he touched it his head flew back and a vision invaded his vision.

_______In the vision____________________

Jocks shoving Pugsely into the locker and then laughing as they walked away. Leaving Pugsely in the locker tied with rope and an apple shoved in his mouth

_________Vision end___________________
Pugsley peered over to his brother with a concerned face.
"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm not about to confess to my brother that I've recently been plagued by visions. They come on without warning, and feel like electroshock therapy but without the satisfying after-burn"

Wednesday glanced down to his brother as he stood up.
"Leave this to me." He said.

"Wednesday? What are you going to do?" Pugsley asked in curiosity.

Wednesday turned to his brother and smirked wickedly.
"What I do best."

Wednesday ascended the stairs to that lead to the school's pool were the jocks were practicing.

One of then finally noticed his presence.
"Yo! Dalton, look 'Pigsley's brother" He pointed.

Wednesday stood at the edge of the pool with his behid his back as he stared down at the jocks.

"Hey freak!" Dalton called. "This is a called practice."

He and the jocks started laughing, but Wednesday was unfazed.

"The only person who gets to torture my brother is me" Wednesday said, glaring at them.

He removed his arms from behid his back and lifted up to reveal two bags filled with piranhas. The jocks faces fell immediately and they scrambled to get out of the pool.

Wednesday dropped the bags into the pool releasing the piranhas, who swam after the jocks.

Dalton managed to get to the ladder but was attacked by one of the piranhas that got ahold of him. The water of the pool turned red as he began to scream in pain.

Wednesday stood by the edge of the pool watching the scene unfold with a deathly smirk spread across his lips.

Hey my lovies!
I hope that ya'll enjoyed the first chapter!
See you all in the next!


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