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Enid and Sage walked down the main staircase leading Wednesday as Enid began to talk about the school.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favourite marginalized group here." Enid said with a smile on her face.

"You can save the sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long." Wednesday revealed to the girls.

"Why would that be?" Asked the curious Sage.

Wednesday glanced at a trophy case.
"This was my parents idea. " A picture with his mother in the middle of the group of fencers caught his eye.
"Oh. Look, there's my mother smirking at me. They've been looking for an excuse to send me here. It's all apart of their nefarious yet completely obvious plan." He said, looking for the picture to Sage who looked unbothered.

"And which is?" She said meeting Wednesday's obsidian eyes.

"To turn me into a version of themselves." He said looking in the girl's deep brown eyes.

"While we're on that subject, perhaps you can clear something up." Enid said, breaking the eye contact between Sage and Wednesday. The two faced her. "Rumors been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled some strings to get you off."

"Actually it was two kids, but who's counting. " Wednesday corrected Enid.

Enid looked at Sage with a scared look and Sage shrugged. She had done much worse.

Enid opened some doors that lead into pentagonal outdoor area in the middle of the school.

"Welcome to the quad." Enid announced to Wednesday.

"Its a Pentagon." He commented.

The area was shaped like s pentagram and in the center was a fountain with an old gnarled tree in the middle.

Enid glanced at him, " The whole snarky goth boy thing might have worked at the normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on the Nevermore's socials. "

"I'm not interested in participating in the tribal adolescent clichés. " Wednesday deadpanned.

Sage turned to him, fed up on how he's treating Enid. Her eyes turned from a deep brown to golden. "No one asked for you to participate just to listen." She said with a cold tone.

Wednesday glared at her, and she glared right back at him with her golden eyes. One side of Wednesday wanted her dead while the other side was obsessed with the girl's boldness.

No one had spoken to him like that before nor had the courage to met his heated gaze. He found it annoying and intriguing.

"Enid, carry on." Sage said to the girl, her eye colour changed back to its deep brown. Enid smiled in a thanking way.

"There are many flavours of outcasts here, but the main four cligués are; Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales." Enid listed.

Enid pointed to table of people wearing dark circular sunglasses and drinking blood. "Thoses are the Fangs, AKA Vampires. Some of them have literally been here for decades, like Sage but she's a different type of vampire."

Sage waved at them, one of them threw her a blood bag, she nodded her head in thanks before drinking from the blood bag. Wednesday watched her fangs sink into the bag, he watched her eye colour change back into a golden colour as she drank. She interested him even more.

Enid pointed to another group of kids.
"Those bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves. Like me!"

The Furs noticed her and howled.

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