Coffee Wishes

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The snow queen drove the gothic boy into the town of Jericho, and parked in front of a three-story white building.

"Doctor Kimbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students have been seen by her." Weems told the goth boy.

"And you'll be waiting for here until I'm done?" The boy asked his principal.

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit Weathervane for some hot chocolate." She suggested with a hopeful smile, exposing her pure white teeth.

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." Wednesday said, as he climbed out her car. "And chauffeuring your students around his clearly below your pay grade."

"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." She bit back to the goth.

The boy stared at her with a glare. "I wish you luck." He said, closing the door and entered the building.

Sage sat down in a booth inside Weathervane licking her lips with a groan. The vampire cannot eat or drink anything without it tasting disgusting was in a Coffee Shop.

A dirty blonde boy walked up to where she sat and placed down a cup of coffee down with a comforting smile.

"I still don't understand why you still drink this, even if it tastes terrible for you." He said with a chuckle.

"I may not like the taste but I enjoy the feeling." She said, raising the sup to her lips and taking a sip, the coffee was the strongest they had with a huge amount of sugar. It tasted like wet cardboard with a salty sweet after taste for her.

"Wave me over if you need another." The barrister said with a smile and stood up straight.

"Will do, Tyler." She said to the boy before returning to her coffee and the said boy left to continue his job.

A few minutes went by and the coffee filled vampire sat still in the booth reading a book given by her favorite bother, Jasper.

A new person entered the shop but Sage was so indulged in her book, took no notice before a scent hit her. Wednesday Addams. Fresh Blood and Pine wood. Odd for a scent but comforting to her. She lifted her eyes off her book and scanned the shop before landing on the devil himself.

She placed her book down and appeared next to Wednesday who looked at her before turning to the scared barrister.

"Jesus, do you make it a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" He said looking at the goth boy while placing a hand on his racing heart.

"It's more of a hobby." Wednesday said with his usual monotone voice.

"You go to Nevermore." He said in realization before turning to the coffee dazed vampire. "You never told me that they changed the uniform."

"They didn't, He's just special." She said with a soft smile patting Wednesday's shoulder. He didnt move away or tell her to stop which surprised the said boy who was confused on why he didn't.

"What are you doing here." Wednesday said in his tone but was litter softer to her. Sage took off her hand off his shoulder thinking that he was cold from her touch. And Wednesday who didnt want her hand to leave his shoulder, he wanted her touch. The poor gothic boy was very confused in his mind.

"To drink coffee and read." She replied to Wednesday.

He hummed in understanding before turning to the barrister. "I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency."

Tyler and continued to talk while Sage walked back to the booth she was sitting at and went to go read again.

Hello my Lovies<3

I'm back!

Miss me? I missed you all too!
Here a chapter for you gorgeous people! Another is coming out on Friday!

I hope you all enjoyed and please Vote and comment! It inspires me too write more.

Remember to stay hydrated and warm!


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