Thing's deal

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The gothic boy sat in his room typing on his typewriter as the song 'La Llorona' played through out the room. The boy's thoughts scattered through his mind, how the events piled up to the current time, however his thought train was interrupted by shuffling sounds coming from his bed. 

He stopped writing and slowly turned his had to his head to his bed, noticing a small bump on his bed. The boy stood up, and walked over to his bed ripping off the covers off to reveal a stitched hand.

"I knew it. Hello thing." The gothic boy smirked 

The said creature tried to make a run for it but was quickly caught by Wednesday. "Did you really think that my highly trained trained olfactory senses wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favourite hand lotion?" Wednesday questioned holding up Thing to his face as Thing struggled to get freed.

Thing continued to struggle in Wednesday's tight grip. "I could do this all day." He said as he slammed Thing down into his desk. "Surrender?" 

Thing repeatedly tapped on the desk in surrender, and Wednesday released him.

"Mother and father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" He interrogated.

Thing shook his finger 'no'. 

"I'm not above breaking a few fingers. " Wednesday threatened. "The fact that they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me."

 Thing signed something to him.

"Oh, Thing. You poor, naïve appendage. My parents aren't worried about me. They are evil puppeteers who want  to pull my strings even from afar. The way I see it you have two options." 

Wednesday grabbed Thing and opened the drawer of his desk, "Option one: I lock you up here for the rest of the semester, and you'll slowly go insane trying to claw your way out, ruining your nails and smooth, supple skin. And we both know how vain you are."

Wednesday closes the draw and places Thing on the desk again. "Option two: You pledge you're undying loyalty to me."

Thing knelt down on his knuckles as a sign of obedience.

"Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory. "

Thing tapped on the desk

"Of course, I have a plan." Wednesday smirked. "And it begins now."


Next door Sage sat on the floor cross-legged in the middle of the room and inhaled an unnecessary breath and just like expected her phone rang. 'Pixie' the contact's name shone on the screen and we groaned softly before accepting the call. 

"So, who is he?"  A cheerly voice sang through the phone.

"Who's who, Alice? I don't know who you are talking about?" Sage said to the pixie vampire in a confused tone. 

"Don't play stupid with me, Sage. I know you've met him today, pecks of seeing the future."  Alice said in her no bitch tone.

"Okay, okay, His name is Wednesday, Wednesday Addams." She said her voice becoming shy and soft. 

"Wait an Addams?" Another voice questioned. 

"Yes?" Sage said her voice in question as while.

"Oh he must be Morticia's child." The voice said again. 

"Anyway, is he cute?" The pixie asked in her normal cheerly voice. 

Sage nodded her head, her eyes turning pink. "Um. yeah, he is...very ho- I mean cute."

"Oooh lala. Someone's got a crush!" She said in a sing sang voice. 

"Oh shut up Alice. I gotta go do.. um.. homework...Bye love you all." She said and heard a chorus of 'bye' and 'love you too' before hanging up the call.



I just made another chapter for yall since it was on my mind and i really wanted to put in a little convo with the Cullen family. 

However this will be the last chapter for this few weeks because my exams are starting tomr and I have been threaten by my mother if I don't meet her expectations I won't be able to yk be online and so on. 

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see your beautiful faces next time! Be safe out there!

love ya!


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