Ms. Thornhill

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In the girl's dorm, Enid was practicing a new dance for her tiktok blasting the same sound in repeat as she tried to learn the dance. Sage sat comfortably on her bed watching the bubblegum princess try to master a dance.

"Sage, why don't you try? I know that you're amazing at dancing." Enid asked the vampire. Sage shook her head with a light chuckle and leaned against the connected wall that separated the girl's dorm to Wednesday's.

Unknown to the absent minded teens Wednesday grew annoyed. He huffed in annoyance and got up from his desk were he was busy at his typewriter working on his novel and stormed over the the connected wall before banging loudly.

One the other side of the said wall Sage jumped up from her bed and glared coldly at the wall before both girl's heard Wednesday hiss at them, "Ouiet!" From his side of the connected wall. Both girls stood silent before sharing a look and storming off into Wenesday's dorm. Sage had pushed open the door a little too hard at it made a bang against the wall scaring the bubblegum princess before walking in. Wednesday stared at them as he made his way back to his desk.

Enid walked in front of Sage with an angry face, "What the hell was that about?!" She demanded.

Wednesday didn't look at her instead his gaze landed on the vampire who glare dangerously at him. He smiled mentally at her, he did like her angry. To him she was highly attractive when mad but he didn't like her angry at him.

"You're music is too loud and obnoxious." He replied to Enid with his usual monotone voice.

Enid's face scrunched up, "I-!"

"Silence would be appreciated." Wednesday city her off as he sat down by his desk. "This is my writing time."

Sage rolled her eyes with a scoff, "Your writing time?"

"I devote an hour a day to novel. Perhaps if Enid did the same, her vlog might coherent." The devoted writer commented. "I've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation."

"I write with my voice. It's my truth. It's what my followers love. " The bubblegum princess defended herself.

Wednesday turned his chair to face her. "Your followers are clearly imbeciles."

Sage walked in front of Enid with an annoyed look. "Enough. Wednesday." The vampire said with a warning tone.

Wednesday ignored the warning and walked up to the girls. "The truth hurts. Her followers respond to her stories with insipid little pictures."

"You mean emojis?" Mocked Enid. "Its how people Express their feelings. I realise that's a foreign concept to you."

Wednesday stared her down. "When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind: Rope, shovel, hole."

Enid looked visually angry, she looked at Sage who looked like an annoyed mother.

Wednesday walked back to his desk. "By the way, theres two D's in Addams. If you're going to gossip about me, at least spell my name properly."

Enid looked like an angry tomato while Sage looked like she was going to kill someone.

"You know what." The vampire said with an outed smirk. Then quickly took Enid's phone from her and started to play the sound again louder. The bubblegum princess grinned and started dancing as Safe used her powers to float the phone above her high enough so no one could touch it.

The gothic boy glared at her. "Turn it off." He demanded but the vampire just gave him a teasing smirk and continued to dance around with Enid.

Wednesday got up from his desks and approached the vampire as he tired to avoid him. He grabbed her wrist. She become unfocused making the phone drop and land into his hand. He stopped the music.

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