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July 1889
Dear Arthur,

I hope this letter finds you well. Or at all, for that matter. I heard talk of a man in Abilene that fit your description. I hope you remember the few nights we shared years ago back in Lincoln. I know I won't. And that is why I am writing. To tell you that you have a son. I wanted to tell you when it happened but thought you'd be angry. When I finally worked up the courage to talk to you, you were long gone.

His name is Isaac. He's sweet, funny, and handsome. Even looks like you. I do hope you'll consider visiting us. We're in Wichita at the white house on the hill on the edge of town. There's a big old tree in the yard. You'll know it when you see it.


January 1890

I fold the letter closed and lay it on my chest. A weird routine I've established over the six months. I received her letter the day before Annabelle's passing and needed time to process all that happened in those days.

I have a son.

I remember Eliza. She was a waitress I had been seeing in Lincoln when Mary left me. She was a sweet young blonde girl with a sense of humor. I liked her but was never serious enough about her to introduce her to my sister and the gang. Honestly it was more out of fear that they'd scare her off.

And now I have a son.

I want to go and see for myself, but can't bring myself to just go. What if he hates me? What if she made him up to try and get me to come back around? These thoughts and more have only been spiraling in my head.

"What's that?" Ivy's voice catches my attention.

"Oh." I sit up and tuck the letter into my shirt pocket. "Nothin'."

"Secret admirer?" She smiles at me.

"Somethin' like that." I chuckle. "Whatchu want?"

"Just bored. Thought about heading into town for a drink." She shrugs.

"It's never just a drink with you."

"Just tellin' you where I'm goin'." She turns to walk away.

"You're goin' alone?" I question her. She hasn't gone into town yet. She shouldn't go by herself.

"Yeah." She furrows her brow. "I can handle myself."

"Where's John? Why ain't he goin' with ya?" I stand up and pull on my boots.

"Workin' a job with Hosea. I don't have to be with him 24/7 you know."

"You shouldn't go to town by yourself. I know you can handle yourself but you shouldn't have to. I'll come with ya." I walk out of my tent and walk with Ivy to the hitching posts before she can argue. I hear her let out a loud sigh behind me.

The sun shines bright overhead and the streets of San Antonio are crowded with people who are out simply because the weather is actually nice.

We hitch the horses to the posts outside the saloon and I follow my sister inside. I haven't spent much time with her the last few years. I've been wrapped up in my own drama and she's so smitten with John. I really don't want any part of that.

I buy us each a beer and we sit at a table in an awkward silence. I want to talk to her but I really don't know what to talk about. I'm not telling her about Eliza until I know for sure she's telling the truth. Plus, Ivy has finally seemed to come to terms with Annabelle's death in a way, so I don't feel like there's anything more that needs to be said about that.

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