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March 1896

"Hello!" The train station clerk at Benedict point greets Jenny and Ivy cheerfully. Ivy leans on the counter, giving him a blank stare. "You uh.." she can practically see the lightbulb click on as he stops himself and lowers his voice. "You must be uh.. Horley's friends, he's one of us. He said you were also discouraged... creatures."

Ivy tilts her head and narrows her eyes at that comment but he keeps going. "Now, I will be honest, I try not to talk too much to women. I, well... let's leave that. Alden, that's me. But Horley insisted you was okay."

Ivy furrows her brow and gives a slight nod. Her finger nails tap the counter rhythmically.

"I'm very discouraged, you see? Anyway, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance... sort of." If this bastard doesn't get to the point soon she's going to lose her patience.

"I find your reticence charming... real charming. I heard you might wanna earn a little extra money. Well, some gentlemen have been robbing our stages, and they are not a part of the club, if you catch my meaning. If you could make 'em go away, I'm sure they will have something of interest to you. They're up near Gaptooth Ridge. See what you can do, okay?"

Great. Ivy knows she needs to make money but Gaptooth Ridge is not in the direction they need to take to get to their new camp. She's trying her best to be grateful for the opportunity, she knows Horley went through a lot of trouble getting her out of prison and back to work.

As she turns around to leave, Alden stops her. "Here! By the way..." he hands her a small stack of letters through the window. "Horley said to give these to ya, said they were important." Ivy reads the name at the top of all of them, Caroline Kilgore. Her heart pounds so loud in her ears she has to force herself to pay attention as Alden keeps going.

Then he hands her a book through the small window. "A catalogue. The latest issue. Just came into this armpit from a land more civilized. And if things work out, well, my colleagues and I move around these stations as needed, and all of us are very discouraged. We will all help you with pertinent information, even if you are ladies."

Ivy glares at him one more time and he straightens up and speaks over the station. "Good afternoon Ma'am."

Ivy steps out the doors with Jenny close behind. Ivy hands her the catalogue which means nothing to her in this moment. She climbs up into her saddle before she digs into the letters. She feels her body thrumming with her pounding heart rate.

She opens the first one and immediately recognizes Arthur's handwriting. Beautiful script that he calls chicken scratch because he never could take a compliment.

"September 1895
Dear Caroline,

Our friend Max was an idiot and we've all made sure he faced the consequences of his actions. Please just come home, your family misses you. If you haven't found Rip Van Winkle, we understand your reason for continuing your search, but don't let that bastard, Max, be the reason you won't come home. Be safe out there.

Your brother,

So Mac went back to camp after she left. Ivy was a little curious. Her scrawny horse follows Jenny's while she continues reading the next letter. It looks like this one is Hosea's handwriting.

"November 1895

Dear Caroline,

Quite a mess you got yourself into huh? We have been working on a way to come rescue you and it seems we're not the only ones fighting for you. I met a couple people who know more about the folks who got you into this mess and want to help you out, it's going to take some time though.  I am told they will give you this letter so I suppose you'll have gotten out of there by the time you read this, but if not, just sit tight. Help is coming, dear girl. Do what this couple asks of you, it seems they are putting a lot of money into your rescue and you will help them in return.

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