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⚠️ trigger warning- suicide and suicidal thoughts ⚠️

June 1899

"What the fuck?" I groan, trying to rub my face but I can't move my hands.

I quickly realize my wrists and ankles are tied. I look up, blinking away my blurry vision.

"Quite a mouth you got on you, Lady." A nasally voice speaks and as my vision clears, I realize it's Sheriff Gray, standing on the other side of the metal bars of the jail cell.

I glare at him.

"You know, my boys warned me that you were strong but I guess I didn't know the half of it. That was my mistake, won't happen again." He shakes his head. "Look, we're just using you for bait to bring in the men we really want. You know, you all were so dumb to think we wouldn't catch on to what you've been doin'. Who do y'all think you are?"

"Go to hell." I answer.

The sheriff laughs. "Say whatever you want. Once your boys come runnin' in here for you, we'll kill them all until we get that 'Hoagy Macintosh' son of a bitch so we can string him up in front of the whole town and soon you'll all be dead."

"That's your idiot plan?" I smirk. "Alright then, pig."

"You think she's serious?" I hear a nervous man ask softly.

"Shut up." The sheriff snaps. "I want boys out there ready to go, shoot them from the rooftops, get them surrounded and kill them all except Hoagy Macintosh. Keep him alive."

"Sure boss." A voice responds.

My heart thumps in my ears as we wait. Did Micah know about this? I swear I'll kill that son of a bitch for setting me up.

I hear the jingle of keys then I'm pulled to my feet and dragged out into the front porch. "Why don't we step outside, give you a little front row seat to watch your friends die." A new voice growls.

"You know this is a stupid plan right?" I mutter.

"Shut up." A hand slaps the side of my face.

"You hit like a little bitch." I taunt.

The bastard ties a bandana around my mouth and holds me upright as we watch down the street.

Then Arthur, Sean, Bill, John and Micah come into view. They walk in a line up the street with their guns in their hands. They don't know the trap they're walking into. I scream as loud as I can, muffled by the gag in my mouth, trying to warn them and this earns me another hit to the side of my face.

A shot blasts through the air from the rooftop above me.

Sean drops to the ground in a mist of blood.

"NO!!!!" I scream until my voice cracks.

I'm dragged back into the building and thrown back into my cell. Gunfire continues outside. The sheriff locks my cell as I scream muffled profanities through hot tears.

"Goddamnit, it's a mess out there." A voice growls.

"I want those men dead!" The sheriff barks.

Then the door opens and slams. "I got one of 'em, boss!"

"You bastards!" Bill yells before he gets punched in the face.

Soon the gunfire stops. "What's happening?" A voice asks quietly.

"Sheriff Gray, you need to get a hold on this town, it's goin' to hell!" Micah yells from outside and I roll my eyes.

"Who do you think you are?" Sheriff Gray yells back behind the closed door, holding his gun to Bill's temple. "A bunch of two-bit thugs from God knows where? You're so dumb to think we don't know what you been doin'."

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