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⚠️ Trigger/Smut Warnings⚠️ 

November 1898

It's been two years since Ivy and John rejoined the gang and three years since Ivy stopped speaking. I thought her voice would come back shortly after we got her and Marston back in camp, but I was wrong.

I was also wrong about making her mine. I lost that bet and had to pay John ten bucks. I refuse to make a move on her, though. Last time I tried she kicked me in the balls, no chance in hell I'll try that again.

She's a hell of a woman. She's also my best friend's little sister. Arthur has tried telling her to let me take her on a date but she refuses. I've nearly given up on the idea all together, heading into town, getting shitfaced and finding... company at the saloons.

That could be a part of the reason she keeps turning me down. Maybe I should work on that.

"Mac, you busy?" Arthur catches my attention.

"Depends on why you're askin'." I chuckle.

"Funny. Ride with me, Leopold wants me to pay a couple folks a visit about some loans." He mounts his horse and I grudgingly follow.

"Loan sharking?" I question. "Don't that seem a little... I dunno. Against everything Dutch stands for? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to beat some ass, but the folks he targets aren't exactly wealthy bastards."

"I guess when the law's on your tail, survival becomes a little more important than being the hero to poor strangers." Arthur shrugs.

Things have changed. We've been lucky to stay in this house for a few years now. Dutch is talking about buying the property some days, but then other days he talks about moving out west. Meanwhile, our food, money and supplies are starting to dry up. Ivy's moonshining brought in a good chunk of change, for a while. But we have so many mouths to feed and so many that don't contribute, that what we have runs out quick. We rob what we can now, for ourselves. It's been a long time since we've helped anyone.

Part of me thinks it's easier this way, though. Morals are exhausting. Robbing is the easiest way for us to get money. I don't have time to feel guilty for the bastards we rob, times are hard for everyone.

Arthur and I decide to split the work and each go after one of Strauss's poor victims on his list. I'm surprised Dutch keeps that fool around. But hey, I could use an outlet for my aggression today.

"I don't have the money, I just need some more time." Robert Wilson sputters as I throw punch after punch.

"You had time, you owe a debt to Herr Strauss, we aren't a Fuckin' charity. You took the money and now he wants it back." I yell in his face, my hands gripping his dirty shirt collar.

"I don't have anything!" He cries in my hands.

"Then sell your house or your wife or somethin'. Time's up!" I throw another punch and blood splatters on my jacket.

"We owe more than the home's worth, take my wife, I don't know what to tell you!" He coughs and sputters, spitting a tooth onto the floor.

"What the hell, Robert!" His wife cries.

"Well, you got some money stashed away I don't know about?" Robert yells at her.

I look up to see his wife, standing in the doorway with wide eyes. Definitely not my type. Definitely missing a few teeth, and definitely hasn't bathed in a while. God damnit. I let out a sigh and grab her arm. "Come on then, you heard him." I lead her to their bedroom.

I shove her onto their bed and she lies down on her back. "You're lucky, you're handsome." She looks me up and down.

Gross. "Nah, turn around. On your knees." I push her face down into the mattress and shove myself inside her. She smells awful. She squeals with every thrust and I have to beg my dick to stay hard.

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