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⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️

April 1894

"Hey everyone!" Uncle shouts drunkenly over the camp, dragging a young woman with black hair along behind him. The last of the sunlight starts to fade into night. "Y'all have been so sour lately, I returned with a gift to lighten the mood. Her name's Abigail. Found her in the saloon and I offered her a place with us. Figured she could uh... work her magic here." He snickers.

"You brought back a prostitute" Dutch's brows pinch together.

"Yes I did, you sour old grouch, and you can have her first." Uncle shoves the girl into Dutch's arms and staggers off to join the rest of the gang by the campfire. "The rest of ya can have your turn with her later." He slurs and then he lasts another five minutes before he's passed out.

"You seem tense darling, let me help ya relax." Abigail coos in Dutch's ear and as grumpy as he seems about the whole ordeal, he takes her to his tent anyway. I don't doubt Uncle will get chewed out over it tomorrow though. He's lucky Dutch has been so lonely. Uncle isn't wrong though, Dutch has been extremely grouchy lately.

About an hour later, Abigail steps out of Dutch's tent. "Can someone get me a drink?" She asks quietly.

Arthur finishes his beer then stands up and stumbles over to the crate for another. He grabs two bottles and gives one to Abigail. "Come see me when you get a moment." He winks at her.

Arthur's been off the rails this last year. He's drunk more often than not. So it's no surprise when he gets another prostitute in his tent because it's been a pretty common occurrence the last couple months.

Ivy grabs a bottle of whiskey and plops into my lap by the campfire where Mac, Davey, Bill, Javier, Karen, and Mary-Beth all sit around drinking and laughing. Ivy takes a drink and shoves the bottle in my hand, wrapping one arm around my neck and kissing my temple as I take a drink.

"Ya know there's empty chairs you could sit in." Mac snides.

"Chairs ain't warm or good lookin'."  Ivy smirks.

"Neither is Marston." Mac remarks.

I laugh. "You don't got room to talk."

Mac only laughs and clinks his bottle to mine.

Arthur tucks Abigail's hand into the crook of his arm then leads her over to the rest of us. I can almost feel Ivy rolling her eyes. "I'm Arthur." He introduces. Then he points to each of us. "That's Mac and his brother Davey, then there's Bill, Javier, Karen, Mary-Beth, John, and my little sister, Ivy who don't know how to sit in a chair or keep her hands to herself."

Ivy grins and holds up her middle finger as she takes another drink of whiskey.

"Then you know Uncle, and there's Hosea, Tilly, Reverend Swanson, Leopold, Pearson, and Josiah Trelawny." Arthur walks her around the camp introducing her to everyone before he introduces her to his bed.

"She sure was eyeing you two." Davey mutters, pointing to Ivy and I.

"She was not." Ivy rolls her eyes.

"She definitely was." Mac chimes in. "She's probably just wonderin' when it'll be her turn with John."

"Shut up. She was probably just tryin' not to look at your two ugly faces hopin' she won't have to sleep with you next."

"Good one." Davey shakes his head. "Don't suppose you wanna help us two ugly faces out with a hit on an O'Driscoll hideout tonight then, huh?"

"O'Driscolls are here?" Her eyes widen with excitement. Ivy's been pushing to find Colm since Annabelle died. We've gotten wind of his men here and then over the last few years but never a sign of Colm.

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