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this one's dark! Take care of your mental health and if you need to skip this one and go onto the next, I understand!

May 1899

My head hurts. I fight to wake up but my eyes won't open. I hear muffled shouting somewhere in the void but I can't tell who it is or what they're saying.

I'm so cold.

Water splashes over my face and finally my eyes open.

"Wake up, beautiful." A man's voice coos.

"Mac?" I try to focus my eyes but I can't see anything. Wherever I am, it's dark. I can see an orange blur but nothing else.

"I said wake up." A hand slaps my face.

I finally see a bald man in front of me with a thick, dark mustache. He's pale and has piercing black eyes, at least I think they're black. I'm only able to see him in the glow of a nearby lantern.

"Hello Ivy Morgan. It's nice to finally meet you." His voice is low and smooth. "My name is Ike Skelding. I've heard a lot about you."

I don't answer him. I went nearly 4 years without speaking a word, I can go back to silence for this son of a bitch.

As he talks, I realize I am hanging by a rope, tight around my wrists from a hook on the ceiling in what looks to be a jail cell in a dingy basement. What the fuck is happening? Where am I? Who is this guy?

I spit at him as I struggle to get my wrists free.

"Now now, struggling won't do you any good. I just wanna talk." Ike warns me. "Here's the thing, you two are worth a pretty penny, but if I bring in Dutch Van Der Linde... your brother, Arthur Morgan... the rest of the gang.... oh Ivy... I could retire. Must have been a lot of work building up a bounty as high as your little gang has."

I only continue to glare at him in silence. Who else is with me? He said two of us? I don't dare look away from him. If I look at whoever is behind me, it'll only give Ike an advantage.

"Where's Van Der Linde?" Ike's tone shifts to a low growl.

I don't answer. He's not getting a word out of me as long as I'm here.

"You wanna do things the hard way then, huh?" Ike chuckles. "I was gonna go easy on ya, seein' as you're just a puny little girl. But, then again. The five thousand dollar price on your head tells me you ain't that sweet and innocent."

I don't react.

"Alright then, that was your final warning. I like it better this way anyhow." He chuckles then loops his arms around my waist and pulls me toward him, pulling my wrists behind me over my head. I feel blood drip down my arms from the ropes cutting into my skin and the pain shoots through my shoulders. I groan through my gritted teeth trying my hardest not to give him the satisfaction of screaming.

"All you had to do was tell me where Van Der Linde went." Ike releases his grip on my waist and lets me fall, dropping all of my weight on my wrists. White hot pain tears through my shoulders. "We'll see if you feel like talking once you're hungry." He locks the door to my cell and turns out the lantern before leaving the basement.

It's pitch black now, I can't tell if it's day or night or how long I've been here or who else is here with me, until the Irishman speaks.

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