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💌 So sorry it's taken me so long to get this part written. I hit another block but this chapter was very important to me and I've put a lot of thought and work into it, wanting to get it right. I hope you like it!🫶

July 1899

"What?" I snap, feeling the blood drain from my face.

"I'm sorry, John." Abigail frowns and repeats her words again. "You ain't Jack's father. I lied. I don't know why, but I lied. I don't know who is Jack's father but I do know for sure, it ain't you."

I don't know what to say. My jaw just hangs open and snaps shut. I feel the blood in my veins beginning to boil.

The awkward, deafening silence over the gang is suddenly shattered with hysterical laughter. I look over at the table where Ivy rises onto wobbly legs. She stumbles over to me, laughing so hard, tears are rolling down her cheeks, she grabs two bottles of whiskey from the crate and slams one into my chest as she walks past me. "Sounds like you might need this more than me." She slurs, still laughing, then trips up the stairs and disappears into the old house, letting the door slam behind her.

I look back at Abigail, still completely stunned at what she just admitted. She stares down at Arthur next to her with a sparkle in her eye.

I'm not Jack's father.

My head spins thinking about all these years, everything that happened because of her lies.

"Well shit!" Uncle starts.

"Shut up old man." I snap, then turn my attention back to Abigail. "Can we talk about this in private?" I slam the bottle down on Pearson's table so hard I'm surprised it doesn't break.

Abigail stands up. Rain starts pouring harder as we walk over to the gazebo on the other side of the camp, well out of earshot of the gang.

"What is it, John? I thought you'd be happy." Abigail sighs.

"Do you have any idea, the kinds of trouble you caused with this lie of yours, woman?" I speak through clenched teeth.

"I do, and I'm sorry." She frowns.

"Why the hell did you lie about that? For so long... I deserve an explanation."

"I don't know..." she mutters. "I saw how sweet you were on Ivy and I wanted that. I'd never been loved by a man like that and I thought it was just you. I thought you were the only decent man in this world. How wrong I was about that." She gives me a look.

"You ruined my relationship, I left the gang, do you have any idea the kinds of problems your lie caused me? And Ivy? And Jack... you're gonna tell him now that his father ain't his father?"

"I know it's wrong, but that's why I'm tellin' ya now. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused, but I know you were never happy. And now... well, I like Arthur, a lot. He's good to me and Jack. He makes me happy. And now you can be with Ivy again, like I know you always wanted. I know it's a lot to take in, but it's all for the best, John."

"You're damn right it is." I shake my head. "Unbelievable."

I storm back into camp, leaving Abigail behind and lighting a cigarette as I sit on the front porch of the old house. It's been six years of bullshit because of her stupid lies. She ruined my relationship with the love of my life.

Ivy... she's been through so much these last six years.

What does this mean for Jack? That poor kid... I'll be the first to admit I haven't been a good father, but how is he going to handle finding out I'm not his dad? Maybe he'll be happy to call Arthur his father, he loves Arthur.

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