007 | 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚

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𝐘/𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐃 as she sat in the waiting room of a greasy auto repair shop, waiting for her car to be fixed. Leaning over, the h/c-haired girl saw that her vehicle's windshield was being replaced by a mechanic. Another mechanic knocks out some major dents. That's a relief. The Thomas brothers— as an apology for what happened with Rusty Nails a few hours ago— offer to pay for the repairs since it wouldn't be fair to Y/n if she covered the expenses. After all, she was the one who lent her car to Lewis in the first place, so it's partially his responsibility now and the only reason why they're in this mess is because Fuller wanted to play some harsh prank on a trucker.

The young woman watched as her friend hobbled over to a grimy phone in the b.g. whilst Fuller sat in a row of beat-up chairs beside Y/n, still shell-shocked from the night before. He sadly looks through the pile of belongings. All he's got in the world.

As he's doing this, Y/n gets up and strolls over to Lewis who seems to be talking to Venna. That's funny; he was talking about how they need to contact Sheriff Ritter about Rusty Nail and as soon as he gets the chance to do so, he ultimately chooses to call the girl he's had a crush on for ages. "So, where are you now?" Y/n's childhood friend asks from the other line.

"We're about ten miles outside of Laramie," Lewis responds. "We had some car trouble and, uh..." he paused and gave Y/n a look before slowly looking away. It was probably best not to tell Venna about the whole Rusty situation. It'd ruin their whole trip and just make her worry. "We're gonna be a little late." He added, bashfully.

"That's alright. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. No, I mean, it's been a long drive." Lewis pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a small sigh. As he said this, Y/n glanced over at her car and smiled to herself when she saw that the mechanics fixed the taillight.

"Alright. See you then."

"Alright." With that, Lewis hung up the phone and started to walk back to Fuller as Y/n loosely trailed behind.

"Are you okay?..." Y/n asked, glancing up to meet the blond's eyes, but did she have to ask? She already knew what his response would be. While it's great that they were getting her car fixed and all, she didn't want to be out in the open, just in case Rusty Nail was still stalking them.

"I will be once we get to Venna," Lewis replied.

When they were all finally back on the road, Y/n spent her time staring at the dashboard— which had some wrinkles in it— and the roof, which still possessed some dings from last night, with discontent. For a while, neither one of them cared to say a word, not knowing what to say or do after just barely being able to escape death a few hours ago. And then, out of the blue, Lewis speaks up, "So, why don't you just come home with me? Blow off Denver and come home with me." He suggests, surprisingly no longer wanting Fuller to go away.

"Nah, I'm okay." His older brother denied the idea quickly with a grimace.

At this, Lewis pursed his lips together. He stayed quiet, but not for long, before: "Listen, I don't wanna tell Venna what happened. I don't wanna ruin things, freak her out, you know?" Y/n nodded, having figured this out when they were back at the repair shop. Fuller, on the other hand, was less concerned about Venna right now and more concerned about them and everything that had led up to this very moment.

Unsure, the older Thomas brother looks around and then takes a deep breath, but when his gaze lands on the radio, he knows exactly what to do. He leaned forward, yanked it out from the dash, and thrown out of the window, prompting the radio to tumble and smash on the road whilst the car sped away. Y/n, upon seeing this, maneuvered herself to watch as the evidence of Fuller's littering grew smaller and smaller in the distance.

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