009 | 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞

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𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐄𝐑 deep slumber, Y/n slowly awakened, but when she tried to move, she found it weird that she couldn't. That's when she remembered what had happened the night before—Fuller, Lewis, and Venna were now dead and Rusty Nail had found her. Did he knock her out shortly after he did? Her memory afterward was a bit foggy... quickly opening her eyes Y/n's heart sank when she realized that she had been tied up on a bed.

Of course, she was bound to be restrained, but Y/n can't help but be surprised that she hasn't been killed like the others. Looking up above her head, she found that her wrists were bound to the bed frame with a single-column knot whilst the rope around her legs wrapped around her thighs haphazardly, not as intricate as the knot that bound her wrists.

After assessing this, Y/n took the next few moments looking around the room. She was in a bedroom, figures, but was there anything that she could use to help get her out of there? For the most part... no. This made the h/c-haired woman hopeless. So hopeless that she began to pull and twist the knots with all her might, wishing that they'd grow weak and she could use that to her advantage to untie herself and get the hell out of there. But in the middle of her desperate and vain attempt, Y/n froze like a scared goat when she heard the ever-growing sound of heavy footsteps approaching the room where she was being held.

"Fuck..." she cursed under her breath. If that really is Rusty Nail, then he can't see her struggling. Who knows what he'll do with his short temper? Y/n took a glance around the room for anything, anything at all that could be used for a makeshift weapon, but when she came up with nothing, she let her head fall back onto the pillow below her where she pretended to still be asleep.

That's when the door opened.

When it was fully opened, the figure paused at the entryway. The deafening silence left a tense feeling in the air, one that Y/n didn't like at all. She fought off the urge to visibly react to everything. And just like that, the figure suddenly began walking toward her but stopped when they reached the side of the mattress where Y/n was once again met with awkward silence.

They must be staring at her. Y/n tried to calm her anxious and shaky breathing to one that was more believable: slow and calm. She just wants to be left alone and this is the only way that she's going to get that. If they end up believing her, then they'll surely leave since it can be boring just standing there, watching someone sleep.

"I know you're awake." Rusty Nail stated, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n's heart dropped to her ass. Guess she was the fool for thinking something so childish could work on him. Slowly opening her eyes, she didn't dare to immediately look up to see the face behind the notorious voice that had been tormenting her and her friends' trip. Instead, she kept her attention on the ground. "Nice try though, almost had me there," he added but paused when he saw that Y/n was doing the complete opposite of what he assumed she was going to do. For starters, she was much quieter. Rusty thought that she would be screaming and crying by now, but that's not the case. "Well, aren't ya gonna look at me?"

Without another word, Y/n moved her undivided attention onto Rusty. He was far younger than what she was expecting. Must be in his late thirties, maybe early forties. He was so rugged, almost beat-up looking. He wore a cap—one that she recognized immediately: was he really the same trucker that she was making eyes with at the truck stop shortly after Lewis and her picked up Fuller, could it?

A bit worried that this might be the case because that would mean that the two of them non-officially met before Fuller decided to toy with Rusty Nail on the radio, Y/n began to frantically take in his other features. He had a bit of stubble in the works and soft-looking brunette hair, with strands of grey delicately intertwined, that came down to the nape of his neck.

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