011 | 𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞

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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 week or that's what Y/n assumed since there was no calendar in here to tell her the date, her attitude became substantially better, much to the surprise of Rusty Nail who would've never thought that her behavior would do a complete 180 so suddenly. Did his talk with her affect her that much? If that was the case, he didn't think he had any charisma left to woo women, given his older age, but it would look like Y/n proved this wrong. It made him happy, seeing that he still had it in him and that Y/n was easing up around him.

Or that's what he was at least hoping. He tried not to get his hopes up so quickly, but Rusty couldn't contain himself. To reward her good behavior, he untied her restraints but— for the most part— this was a test. So, he watched her intensely for what she would do when suddenly given the taste of freedom. Rusty half-expected her to take this opportunity to run and get the hell out of dodge, but... that's not what Y/n did. Not even remotely close. She instead stood irresolute beside the bed, unsure of what to do as she stared at him quizzically.

Letting out a satisfied hum, Rusty Nail turned his back on the h/c-haired woman and walked to a vintage record player that was set on a dresser directly across from where Y/n stood. How did she not notice that thing? Guess her mind was too preoccupied to realize that there was even one there, but still... she's confused. What's going on? What's he doing? Both inquiries were answered in the next moment when a soft melody of an old-timey song began playing.

"C'mere." Rusty directed his captor, motioning with his right hand for her to come to him when he turned back around to face her as the room filled with the haunting melody of a vintage ballad, creating an oddly enchanting backdrop for what unfolded next. As he... inviting her to dance? Y/n cocked her head to the side, eyebrows furrowing. Hesitant, she placed her hands in his, and they began to sway to the rhythmic cadence of the music.

The dance wasn't anything extricate. It, much like Rusty, is simple, yet strangely intimate. The older man's grip on her hands was firm, yet oddly gentle, as if navigating a delicate balance between control and tenderness. "You doin' alright?" He whispered as he looked down at Y/n, concerned since she hadn't bothered to say a word to him. She meekly nodded. "Well, that's mighty fine to hear."

Midway through the song, Y/n, surprising both herself and Rusty, rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. A fleeting sense of vulnerability lingered in the air. At that moment, Rusty, momentarily taken aback, stopped dancing. He slowly draped his arms over Y/n's back, pulling her closer. The room seemed to hold its breath as he rested his head on her shoulder and then planted a few kisses on her neck. He didn't mean anything sexual by it, it was just his way of showing his gratitude. And it was nice to be more physical with her.

That's just one example of something odd that happened this week. While Y/n was expecting to be tied back down to the bed frames once they were finished, she was taken aback at the sight of Rusty gathering her restraints and putting them into another room. She quickly followed behind him like a lost puppy. "Uh, Rusty?" She spoke up.

His heart melted at the sound of her saying his name and that she was talking again. He missed her succulent voice more than words can even describe. Rusty Nail stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, looking down at Y/n. "Yes?"

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" He said lightheartedly as he held out the ropes for her to take a long good look at them because— if she behaves— Y/n won't have to worry about Rusty taking them out in a long time. "I'm putting these things away." He stated, proud. That's when everything clicked in Y/n's brain.

She understood now.

"Somethin' on your mind, darlin'?" Darlin'. That's what Rusty has been calling her for the past few days. Darlin', like they were lovers. If that's the case, then it's one-sided. Or that's at least what Y/n likes to tell herself. But she would also be lying if she were to say she didn't appreciate the small things Rusty Nail does and how much effort he puts into caring for her.

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