008 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐰𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥

538 26 19

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 grand scheme of things, Y/n should've asked Thomas what his plans were with Venna. All she really knew leading up to this point was that they were going to drive from California to Venna's college to pick her up since summer break was starting... and that's it. Come to think of it, has Thomas never once brought up what they were going to do? He only mentioned that Y/n's parents live in Denver, so he'll probably drop by her family's place and rent a car from there.

All they've done so far in Venna's company was drive around, talking about things. Would it be safe to leave Fuller in Denver, like Lewis previously stated when they were in the Lone Star Hoel? Or has the plan changed now since they were all nearly squished?

Guess it doesn't matter now... their plans with Venna don't necessarily qualify for the number one spot on Y/n's list of things to be concerned about. Rusty Nail has selfishly taken that spot. Chewing her bottom lip, the anxious young woman shifted uncomfortably in her seat as a hefty weight sat on her shoulders.

She hated the idea of being watched, but the idea of being followed by someone who could have an intent to hurt her and her friends was something that Y/n didn't want to consider. How could she let things end up like this...?

The mere thought of them being tailed as they drove down the freeway, oblivious, again made Y/n crane her neck to glance behind them longingly to examine the array of cars & semi-trucks behind them. She may not know the color of Rusty's truck or any of its main identifiers, but she could always look for any suspicious faces. She'll just have to trust her gut on this one.

"Hey..." The voice belonging to Venna broke the h/c-haired girl out of her thoughts. She hesitantly met her friend's eyes. "Why do you keep looking behind us?" Shit... had Y/n really been that obvious? Even then, it was starting to get dark out, so she could already make anything out of the haze. It was, at least for the most part, a lost case, but at least Y/n's heart is in the right place.

Needless to say, Venna's question left Y/n looking like a deer in headlights as she sat in the back with Venna, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Ogling like an idiot. She couldn't just tell Venna about Rusty. That's for damn sure. It would ruin the whole mood of their whole trip. Y/n wanted nothing more than to and she felt guilty withholding such vital information.

"O-Oh, it's nothing..." she stammered. Wanting to shift the attention off of her, Y/n looked back and tapped Fuller's shoulder who whipped around to face the girls in the back of the car. "It's getting late," she pointed out the obvious. Do you think we're going to pull over to a motel soon?"

"Yeah. We probably should." Fuller pinched the bridge of his nose before grabbing the map from the ground where he began searching for any signs indicating a rest stop. They were in Nebraska now. "Hey, man," he called out to his brother who was, of course, driving. "We got a stop coming in, like, two miles." He stated. That's a relief to hear. Y/n was starting to get tired and she wanted nothing more than to sleep her anxieties off in an actual bed.

The Owl Motel is where they're all spending the night. From inside the registration office, Y/n looks out the windows and up at the sign where she notices that the 'O' isn't lit up. It must've burnt out years ago. Fuller stepped out of the dimly lit office with a blank look on his face. Lewis and Venna followed, sharing a laugh about something. Y/n— on the other hand— trailed behind the pack. Lost in her thoughts.

Lewis then noticed that Fuller was heading in the wrong direction of where they were all supposed to be headed. So, he gestured toward the direction of the rooms, saying, "Hey, Fuller, the rooms are that way, man."

Fuller, now grinning, continued walking straight, leading the group away from the rooms. Lewis exchanged a puzzled look with Venna as they followed him. It became evident that Fuller wasn't heading towards their lodgings, but instead, he pushed open the door to a small, dimly lit bar within the motel.

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