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IT WAS late. And inside her dimly lit Stanford dorm room, Y/n L/n, wearing an oversized Stanford sweater and comfy underwear, wandered aimlessly around the kitchen to find something to eat, there weren't many options since many of them were mainly leftovers, but this didn't stop her roommate, Jasmine, from plastering the best food with sticky notes as her way to claim beforehand.

They all had different and unique messages on them, but they all had one common theme and that was a warning for Y/n to stay as far as humanly way possible from her food. 'JASMINES FOOD - DONT TOUCH Y/N! >:(' one of them read, prompting Y/n to let out a small giggle once her e/c eyes glanced over the capitalized letters.

Backing away from the fridge, she closed the door without a second thought, and with a soft yawn escaping her lips, she made her way toward her bedroom, ready to succumb to the embrace of her bed. However, just as Y/n reached for the doorknob, a sudden knock at the front door sent her heart racing. It didn't take much effort to startle her; after all, it was late, and unexpected visitors were unusual.

Hesitation gripped her, and she stood there in the silence, wondering who could possibly be outside her door at this hour. She slowly stepped out of the hallway and kept her eyes on the front door. "Who is it?" Y/n finally asked in a hushed voice, not wanting to wake up her roommate who is notorious for taking early classes like a crazy person.

"Lewis. C'mon, open up."

Relieved to hear her friend's voice on the other side, Y/n let out a small sigh and walked over to the door where she swiftly unlocked it, the soft click echoing in the stillness of the night. She stared up at Lewis, her eyes filled with curiosity, wondering why he was here at the crack of dawn. If she remembered correctly, his classes didn't start until noon, so why bother coming here? "You sure are up early. Do you..." she stifled a yawn. "Have any idea how late it is?" By her guess, it had to be around 3 AM.

Lewis offered a warm smile, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Hey, Y/n," he began, but his certain excitement slowly dissipated when he remembered the time. "I, uh... didn't wake you up, did I?" He asked. Y/n simply shook her head to reassure him. "Okay, so, I was sorta thinking of going to Colorado to surprise Venna. You know she's been on my mind lately." Lewis had a bit of a crush on Venna, and it was no secret. "I thought maybe you'd like to tag along. You two are friends, after all."

Y/n's sleepy haze began to dissipate, and her curiosity piqued. She couldn't help but smile back at Lewis, her mind racing with the idea of an impromptu adventure. "Colorado, huh?" she mused, rubbing her eyes. "Okay, sure... but you do realize how expensive plane tickets are, right?" Y/n questioned her friend. As much of a cliche it was, if she were to buy a ticket, she'd be flat broke. It was already a hassle trying to provide for herself. However, Lewis' silence spoke volumes. "You... do plan on flying there, right?" She continued.

"No...?" Lewis reluctantly answered.

"But you don't have a car," Y/n retorted and rested her right hand on the door to support her. She also did this just in case she needed to slam the door in Lewis' face if he brought up anything stupid. "How do you plan on getting to Colorado if you're not going to fly?" She resumed interrogating him, but there was no need because the answer to her pressing inquiry was scratching the back of her mind.

She just hoped her hunch was wrong.

"I was, um..." Lewis awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before his hand snaked its way over his mouth as he whispered the rest of his sentence. Blocking Y/n from hearing it.

"Huh?" She blinked. "What was that?"

"I was hoping to borrow yours..." so that's the real reason why Lewis dropped by. Not because she and Venna were friends, but because she had a car. A car that he knew she would lend to her if he asked desperately enough.

"What do you take me for? Some sort of charity?" Y/n raised a brow, feeling slightly offended, but she couldn't totally blame Lewis—it's not like he had the money to even rent a car for a few days. Who knows how much that could be! "I... sorry. I shouldn't have said that." She quickly apologized, chewing on the bottom of her lip as she began to debate the two options in front of her.

Of course, she could make her own path and just ignore Lewis by closing the door, but he'll probably just rush to his dorm and call her and wake Jasmine up in the process.

"Listen, you could borrow my car..." Y/n started and as Lewis' eyes brightened up with what could only be described as child-like bliss, she felt her heart sink deep within her chest, already regretting her decision to let someone else drive her precious baby. She got that car for her Sweet 16 and it has been her prized possession yet. "Under one condition." She added.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" The blond took a step forward, now fully having his undivided attention.

"You have to pay for gas."

"Deal," Lewis said all too quickly for Y/n's liking. She frowned, squinting at him, and thought of what else she could say to sweeten the deal.

"And breakfast for when we stop for it." She continued and held out her hand for them to shake on it. After a moment of hesitation, Lewis did exactly that. "Okay, now I'm in. Just give me a minute to pack." With that, she closed the door, leaving Lewis waiting on the other side.

As she started gathering essentials for the trip, her heart raced with excitement because it had been so long since she was able to have a road trip. That and she will finally be able to see Venna again! Little did she know that this unexpected journey would lead to new adventures and perhaps even a few surprises of her own.

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