012 | 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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𝐘/𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐒 to snap out of it or, at the very least, get a grip because she didn't like how things were going for her. She's been nothing but sweet to Rusty Nail and that's the thing—he doesn't deserve her kindness, not even the slightest. Y/n knew in her heart that she deserved to be killed in the most brutal way imaginable. Out of everyone who was in the group, it was Venna who should've been spared... but would that mean that she would be in the same position as Y/n then?

If that was the case; then maybe it's best that Venna bit the dust because it meant that she saved her best friend from being in this hell.

"Y/n," the sudden voice of Rusty Nail's voice talking to her brought the young woman back down to earth. She looks up and meets his gaze. She had almost forgotten that they were having dinner. "Somethin' on your mind?" Yes. But should she level with him? Knock some sense into him, maybe? No, Y/n would be giving Rusty too much credit. He's crazy and that's the end of it. No point in trying to figure him out.

"Yes," Y/n whispered.

"You mind sharin'?" Rusty said with a slight laugh. No, she didn't feel like doing that either. Not when she knew that the chances of getting what she truly wanted, freedom, were close to none. Still, even lying about it or choosing not to talk is just as bad because that would leave her captor to his imagination... and Lord knows how colorful his mind is.

Taking a deep breath, Y/n closed her eyes for a moment and when she reopened them, she quietly uttered, "I want to go..." she glanced away.

"Go where, darlin'?" Anywhere but here would be good, for starters. The furthest that she's gotten from the house was a few steps on the porch, but, even then, Rusty Nail had to permit it and watch over her to make sure Y/n wouldn't try running away. She didn't like being watched all the time. That's all he knew how to do, hover and pry into what was going on in her mind. Not once could she get a moment of peace. It frustrated her.

Finally cutting to the chase, "Home. I want to go home." If they're still in Colorado, then Y/n could try and contact her parents. All she has to do is make it to get her hands on a phone... or Rusty's keys. She could always drive herself to Denver and if Rusty Nail doesn't have a vehicle to follow her, then that'll be perfect. Ideal.

"The hell you are!" Rusty screamed, scaring Y/n as he stood up from his seat, the aggressiveness of his action causing the bottom of the chair legs to scrap against the ground with an 'skrrr'.

"Rusty, I just thought—"

"No, you don't get to just think!" he interjected, his voice rising with frustration. "You're stayin' here with me, where you belong," Rusty added, hoping that would be the end of it. He didn't want to go through this again. They were doing so well. Both of them. Y/n has been so obedient and a true sweetheart over the last few days, what's with the sudden change?

"Last time I checked, you're not my damn keeper." Y/n scowled.

His jaw clenched, and he took a step closer to her. "No. No, you ain't going nowhere. You understand that?" he growled, his tone tinged with its usual possessiveness.

"You're such a child." Y/n countered, her voice trembling slightly. It was a rude thing to say to a man who was older than her, but it was a blatant fact. Always has been. Whenever he didn't get his way, he would throw a temper tantrum. Only Rusty's version is hurting those around him, but, knowing that he wouldn't dare lay a finger on her, Y/n can only expect him to scream his damn head off until he turned red in the face. "You can't just dictate what I do." She added, crossing her arms.

Rusty's grip tightened on the edge of the table, his gaze intense. "I can and I will," he declared, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper.

Their argument escalated, each word fueling the tension between them. Y/n's heart raced with fear and frustration as Rusty loomed over her, his presence dominating the room. And then, in a moment of blind rage, he lunged forward, circling the table and grabbing Y/n by the waist, effortlessly hoisting her over his shoulder.

Y/n gasped in shock. "Hey! Put me down!" She wasn't some sort of doll that he could play with or toss around. But her protests were silenced as Rusty carried her out of the dining room and into the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed with a forceful thud, his eyes blazing with possessive fervor.

"You're not leaving," he declared, his voice low and commanding. "You're mine, Y/n. You hear that? And you're ain't goin' nowhere without me." Rusty wrapped a hand around Y/n's wrists, putting them together where he suspended her arms high in the air and tied her restraints back on.

She doesn't allow her bottom half to be tied down. She wouldn't allow it... she can't do it again. Not when she was just let off the hook. Whimpering, Y/n began to kick wildly and use her lower body to push Rusty away, but it proved not to help much because once he got a hold of one of her limbs, she was screwed and before she knew it, she was in the same position she arrived in.

"I'm sorry, hon," Rusty was panting, tired, and as he apologized, he fixed his hair. He's calmed down. Sad that the same can't be said about the woman in bed. "But you left me with no choice." He then went on a spiel on how this was for 'the greater good of their future' and how he was doing this to protect Y/n. What a crock of shit. Just as Rusty was going to say that he loved her, there was a sudden knock at the door.

That's weird. Was he expecting company? Based on the look on Rusty's face, that wasn't the case.

"Police, open up!" A voice order.

Y/n had to stop herself from laughing at Rusty or, at the very least, letting out a sigh of relief. It would seem that her prayers have been answered. "You... are so f—" Before she could finish insulting him, Y/n was— unfortunately— interrupted by her captor.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you." He advised and after thinking for a moment or two, Rusty left the room and came back with a roll of duct tape. Shit. That was going to be a problem. "Try not to move." He tore off a piece and stuck it over the h/c-haired girl's mouth, prompting her to try and talk but all her words were muffled by the blasted duct tape.

No longer needing it, Rusty discarded the roll on the bedside table and made his way toward the exit. Just as he was about to close the bedroom door behind her, he stopped, but it was for one reason and one reason alone: to give Y/n some departing words.

"Don't get cute."

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