004 | 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 morning, Lewis, with a towel wrapped securely around his waist, had finished shaving. Once he gets dressed, he exits the bathroom, however, he squints at the sudden brightness emitting from their motel's opened door. Who could've left that open, he thought. Squinting, the blond peeked outside to find his brother talking to an officer in the parking lot. This can't be good... frantic, Lewis looks around to see Y/n who is still passed out on the ground.

"Hey, Y/n." Lewis gently nudged his friend with his foot, but she only groaned in response, not wanting to get up. Letting out a small sigh, he crouched and rested his hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. "Come on, get up." He said, quietly, but loudly enough to disturb Y/n's rest.

"What is it?..." she asked, her eyelids still closed shut. Y/n just wanted to squeeze what little sleep she had left before they all got back on the road. After all, she didn't want to be crabby when they picked up Venna.

"I think the cops are here."

Once she heard this, Y/n's eyelids smacked open and she quickly sat up, becoming more aware of her surroundings. Not so secretively, she leaned over to peek outside the opened door to find Fuller telling the officer where they were all originally from. "Oh my gosh," she groaned, letting her head fall on top of her pillow. "I knew something was wrong last night."

"W-Well, we don't know for sure if this deals with us." Lewis pointed out. "Come on," he helped Y/n up who slowly fixed her bed head with a small yawn. "Let's go check it out." Once outside, they see that there are three police cruisers—one policeman was quietly taking notes, one was checking out trucks and jotting down license plate numbers, whilst the third one was, of course, interrogating Fuller.

Officer Akins, the one talking with Fuller, continued with his questions, "We had a little incident here last night. Did you hear anything? Any sounds, or anything out of the ordinary?"

"Yeah, actually, next door I heard some sounds," Fuller said, honestly.

"Could you describe those sounds?"

"Yeah, sure." Fuller then proceeded to cartoonish and highly unrealistic sounds of what they had all overheard the night precious. "That's it..." he added.

"What's goin' on?" Lewis questioned when he and his friend finally walked up and stopped by Fuller's side.

Fuller gave them a brief look before introducing them to Officer Akins, "Alright, this is Lewis and Y/n. There was a 'sitchy-ashun' last night. That's all I know." He filled the two in on what was happening, but it didn't necessarily help Y/n since she didn't know what the fuck Fuller was talking about. He can be so obnoxious at times and so, Y/n rolled her eyes.

"So, after you heard these sounds, did you look out your window? Did you open your door?" Officer Akins resumed with his inquires.

Fuller shook his head, "No, sir. What happened?" He asked.

"After you closed your door, around 10:15 PM, you didn't see anybody else until I knocked on your door this morning?" Temporarily avoiding the question for now, Officer Akins repeated himself to make sure.

"That's right. Well, we did call the night manager, because we were... concerned, right?" Fuller looked at the two beside him for some assistance.

"Right," Lewis spoke up whilst Y/n slowly nodded her head to confirm this.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. He mentioned that. And he also said that one of you had an altercation with the victim. Which one of you was that?" Officer Akins gave each young adult a quick once-over, trying to pick them apart.

"W-Wait. The night manager said what?" Fuller's eyes widened.

Resting his hands firmly on his hips, "Apparently, one of you had words with the victim, in the motel office when you were checkin' in?" The cop laid out more details for the trio, continuing to eye them suspiciously.

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